Friday 11 May 2018

603 EP - Petting Zoo Brief, Collab, Final Evaluation

This brief was one of my personal favourite, this is due to the strength of the collaboration. At the start of the brief, we defined what each of us would go along with a list of outcomea, (due to fine art issue). These were delegated based on specialist areas and this worked really well to enhance the final design. We both worked on the different areas and didn’t need to redo or change anything, as it was done to a successful level. This meant that we managed to create more outcomes in the shorter time. A full rebrand was completed, but this was relatively easy compared to the workload, done as it was split in half. In past collaboration, I've had to pester, or do work the other partner was supposed to do to fit deadline but Nanami and I worked well together so this was not needed.  Playing to our different strength was successful, in future, we could work together again and defined what I need to look for in collaborations. Another aspect learnt for Fine art was to meet in person, this was a defining aspect of the effective nature of the brief as we explained our idea better and communicated more productively.

I feel the visual of the outcome are the main strengths, the outcome is fit for the different audience whilst fulling the set issue. Visiting the client area also allowed for the issues to be pinpointed in more elaborated ways, this showed the map didn’t work and also the lack of consistent style, which were fixed by the final outcome. In general, the outcome covers all the needed area and fixes all the issue we encountered and set in the brief. The work was equally set, meaning we both had a large input to the final outcome.

The only weakness of the brief was the with the printing of the final sticker, and the financial issue with the production of stamps. We did want to make stamps children could interact with on the map, but could not support this idea without funding from the client. There were issues with the final print of the sticker, even booked in advance of the deadline the sticker could not be printed correctly due to the illness of the technician. Again if this was funded they could have been professionally printed.

The time planning of this brief was morphe slightly to work around both partner other deadlines but each partner was understanding of this and the final outcome was produced on time.

Adobe Illustrator was used for the design of the outcomes, this software gave large design control. Both collaborators had access and knowledge of the software, meaning we could work on one document keeping the style and guidelines consistent applied over the media. A shared google drive was created at the start of the brief, this was heavily used so both partners had access to full high-quality files alongside the other work.

The final outcomes connect all the client current inconsistent branding as well as fix their outdated and no longer fit for purpose design style. All the assets where re-designed, and the two set of poster sell the client to young adults/teenagers by creating a new, more modern design whilst the family poster allows the brand to still appeal to the current audience of children and families. The social media was added to all their assets to promote this advertising channel, as well as the sites updated for their audience and to match. The outcome covers the set media, advertising and branding, including the website design, social media and print advertising. A total rebrand was completed, that balances the audience ages via informed research. The brand's aims, tones and style are also reflected via the rustic nature of the design.

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