Saturday, 16 July 2016

504 - Design Production, A - Z in Content, Photographical Style


As the photo will now be taken at Leeds festival the uniqueness of this environment is the atmosphere and setting, therefore it is important the photographic style used reflect this. Most festival photos and imagery is taken on disposable cameras, this captures the messy, accidentally, nature of the festival therefore this medium will be used. To see how best to take imagery of this style research into disposable camera imagery have been completed for inspiration.

Eventhough these images are being used for inspiration at the festival it will be hard to plan the imagery as the cameras don't clearly show the picture before it's captured, but hopefully this add the nature of the images as they will capture a natural moment rather than a preplanned photo. 

-mostly landscape
-capture people
-not preorgasnised
-the features of the camera media celebrated rather than edited out
-blue hue to the images
-feels like natural photography
-capture of a moment that has passed
-random subject
-not over thought before took
-lights/signage looks good via the media
-urban aesthetic