Sunday, 8 November 2015

Interim crit 2 feedback


the over all feedback i got from this crit is very positive, the group liked my ideas and felt that i'd researched into my theme in depth, they said that i'd explore many different meaning and this worked as it gave me new more unique ideas. I need to make sure i keep doing this throughout my work as i feel that it helps when i get stuck with my work, it gives me a new way to think when i've exhausted all my ideas. New perspectives are always really useful as people think in different ways, this is why i feel the feedback is amazingly useful as people see things i wouldn't even think off like looking into health companies and what tyepfaces they already use. This was something i didn't think of so its good i can look into it and make sure my type works for them and how they use it.

Another thing that the crit helped with was that i was stuck with which ideas i felt worked best and how to pick, it allowed me to see what other creative people thought of my concepts. I thought people might struggle to understand the 1 in 3 concept but it turns out they really like it and they do get it, this has changed my mind and i now think i'll take this idea further and work on it as my main ideas for my project. Feedback said i now need to narrow down my ideas, this is the next step in my work to pick this idea and explore it in detail.

Imperfection was also another popular idea, it seem to reflect my research well while appealing to the audience, it gives off a less clinical feel which is what i wanted to achieve. Knowing which ideas people felt worked best has allowed me to pick the idea of an imperfect, simple, sans serif, 1 in 3 typeface as my idea to experiment with. The type needs to be simple so its not to over powering, imperfect to reflect everyones different healths and body types but also natural forms, 1 in 3 to show how mental illness effects so many people, raise awareness that they're not alone, sans serif to reflect the concept and keep it simple yet modern, also seen mostly in my existing research.

One of the ideas I got from the crit was to look at health organisations and how they use type, this will show me a more medical way of reflecting the idea I want to and will show me what works best for my theme. Again I really shocked that the crit gave me feedback that the mental healthy idea was the best path to take as I felt it was a bit complicated for a typeface but they agreed that it’s a better way to create a type that doesn’t offended or push negative body images on to people. Looking into the text on the websites or health organisations and mental health posters showed me the way they use text is offending modern simple, welcoming positive type so it shows mental health in positive light, I will keep these ideas for my typeface, also gave me idea of how readable and clear my text needs to be as the text they use is very simple but with ideas behind it. The mental health poster use a mixtures of different types to reflect the way health is different and I like the idea, I want to create a typeface where every letter form is unique and imperfect so it reflects people and the sufferers.


research into the types they use and their styles :

world wide site

british hospital site 

mental health site 

family health website

i collected a wide range of different types of health websites to research, this will help me to get a boarder knowledge of how all health sites use typefaces and which they use to reflect their ideas, it gives a overall view rather than just a selected part.

san serif
low x height
short asenders and desenders
the text is the message
type is basic and simple to make this the focus
aimed a a wide audience, understandable by everyone

These factors will help me when i design my type because i already know what they use and what to incorporate in my type.

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