Tuesday, 3 November 2015

How Do You Read? - Grids


Grids are used in graphic design to bring structure, consistence and order to work, mostly used in editorial design they can be applied to any form of design . Magazine used them to make every page and issue similar creating a constant house style, this is then more easily recognizable and easier to read for the reader as they are used to the format.

The grid system can be used to bring order and clarity to design but the more we looked into them it became clearer that they can also be discarded once in a while to cause organized chaos that draws attention to parts the designs aims too. Grids can be modified or abandoned depending on how the artists feels is necessary. The grid invisibly holds all the elements together in a precise way.

For this study task we got a newspaper and had to see if we could find the basic grid that it used, this seem easy at first but over time and over the other pages its clear that there is not always the simple system you first think and boxes maybe half or double what it first seems. The gird system is used in the guardian newspaper because its a formal piece of writing that want to portray a sophisticated style thats reliable and easy to read.

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