Friday, 27 November 2015

How do you read? Book Ideas

Ideas for the context and target audience of the book i will create for this brief, it has to be a small publication focus on layout and design no content. The small publication can be aimed at audience audience but must inform them about on of the design principles we have looked at, it must explain the ideas and inform the audience via effective communication design.

- grids (overly complicated, detailed)
- colour theory (simple, loads of different parts)
- typesetting (complicated for small publication)

- older (have ideas about the principles)
- have a design background ( any age over 16 with an idea about graphics and the terms)
- general public (16 +, no background in graphics)
- students (larger knowlegde, need more detailed facts)
- children ( no knowlegde, simple information, simple type)

target audience- children, i have selected this because it allows me to create a publication that will inform on the most basic knowlegde, it will have to be fun bright and interactive to appeal to tis audience. The design will need to use factors that attract the younger audience that many no have a large reading ability yet so will have to be attracted via the visual concepts more. This allows more creative design work focusing on creative design and layout along with unique idea that will make it suitable for this target audience abilities and short attention span.
concept- colour theory, this is the most basic ida of the design principles and will be the simplest to explain to the selected audience also it will appeal to them because of the colorful nature. It can be adapted for the younger audience so it doesn't need much text or explanation as it can be mostly visual. Also this is an idea that needs to be taught at a younger age, it needs to be imbedded as its a important concept that will help later in life and is taught by school round about 4-9 so this book will have a place and use.
examples - 

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