Saturday, 21 January 2017

503 Studio brief 1 - Responsive, In Cold Blood, College Mock Ups

One of the main idea and point this brief aims to explore about the book is the writing style as this is mentioned in the brief, the book is made up of a variety of different sources information which  the author pieced together to create a overview of the crime in the detail that made it famous. The author spent 6 years analysing documents, articles and crime report and any information of the crime available. This in-depth research is one of the reasons the book was so popular, this has informed this design idea which is to create the cover from a range of crime information college together. this shows the research the author when to, the style of writing and also the factual nature of the publication. 

Images from the victims, criminals, maps of the destination. newspaper articles, crime reports, interviews have all be collected and manually college together than scanned in for this design idea. The cover of the book aims to represent the writing style by creating a cover from a range of sources the same way the content was taken.  

scans -

idea 1)

Eye are seen as the human aspect of people, these are seen as the windows to the soul and the personal identifier as they are different for everyone. A common theme in the book is the lack of human emotion the crime showed, removing this facial aspect of the criminals takes away the human nature of the criminals visually. 

The scans where digitally recreated in the same style due to the quailty of the scan image being too low to use for the cover.

idea 2)

idea 3)

feedback -
feedback on these idea favoured the top design, this is as the audeince felt this dehumanises the criminal the way the book portrayed the subject. Also visually this design was seen to express the dark tones of the novel to the audience were as the other ideas we;re felt to be too busy. The dramatic effect of the imagery was lost as there is so much imagery combined, there not focal point on the other design which causes the audience to be intimated by the cover.  The first idea is clear due to the use of whitespace which allowed the dramatic imagery to talk for it's self, the photos are very power therefore this layout enhances this.

As a personal point of view the imagery of the victims should not be used in the final cover, this is as  see this as commercializing their picture for the gain of the client and the author, this is a personal view due to my ethical stand i wouldn't be personally happy if i was used in this situation therefore will refrain  for any final idea that use victim images. The imagery on the criminal on the other hand can be used on the cover as they deserved to be related and to the crime without any ethical issues.

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