Book Cover Research
For this brief i have to create a children's book that is based around and teaches the ideas of colour theory CKMY, the book will communicate the ideas behind how it works and show they how to create their own colours. The book is aim at an audience aged 6 -10, this will need to be shown by the cover to make sure the book cover appeal to this audience.
research into existing covers -
secondary research
Common Features/Styles
-cover links to pages inside
-text is the main focus
-uppercase text used mostly
-simple sans serif fonts used
-text styles are easily legiable and readable
-text styles have curved edges
-text styles are thicker to make them easier to read/notice
Pantone Book on Colour for Children
After looking at books about any subject that are aimed at children to find the defining features that make the book clearly suitable for this target audeince, i wanted to look at books about colour that are aimed at children, this was hard as the target audeince for my book are 6-10 where the children will be able to understand colours and know the colours but not be able to read completely yet so there isn't really a market for this type of book (too old for colours, too young for colour theory) so there aren't many book of this type available. These are a few design that seem the older of the children colour book i could find. I will look at the design aspects of each cover to see how it appeals to the audeince, the design layout its uses, the colour scheme, the text type, the amount of text and the over all design to see if i can create a over that mimimic this target audeince and design but with a different topic.
This style of book uses a bold title with a vivd colour scheme to appeal to the audeince, it uses the combination of a simple typeface that is curved and modern with flat illustrations that link with the subject of the book. The illustrations on the cover are used to make the book seem more attractive to children as they would prefer to look at book if contains imagery specially if it involves an animal, this is due to the way they want to find book fun rather that factful, children like book that they can engage with and learn something at the same time. The happy lighthearted way the illustrations are drawn with give the cover a feel of warms and positive that will engage the child as it will seem to be more about a fun topic. Even with the text heavy layouts this is simple text that is readable and bold, this balances out a the text heavy layout as its not paragraphs of long text, it kept to the point and uncomplicated text they can understand, it can be read quickly and from far away.
This fits with the type styles seen in the other cover research and will influence the style of my cover design and the book typeface.
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