Tuesday, 1 December 2015

How do you read? - Folds


Interesting folds can enhance book design in a way that interacts with the audience to spark inspiration and a pleasurable reading experience. Unique fold make the design more inventive as they are a different feature not usually seen, they can have practical uses or just aesthetically purposes. There are many different types of folding, all these below are uses for different purposes so the folds of a the book can allow the audience to read as they are guided by the layout of the design.

More delicate folding will only allow for smaller parts of text/content to be included where as larger section allow space to be used more creatively. Different styles of folding give the designer a large focus on which information the audience reads first, the first parts they look at and the over all visual hierarchy. Folds allow a direction in the book because they show the information at different point, there a way to follow the information whilst see the order,  this is as the user will open it showing the needed information first.

Folding may also help documents stand up or be displayed in a certain why, like above the designer has included the back fold to allow the document to free stand by its self.

Research, Creative Folding 

Here this leaflet is folded so the title is the first point of focus then when its opened up it expands to include more information, picture and data. Folding this booklet in this why reflect the concept and ideas of the creative college it is advertising, this is because its created in a more creative visionary way.  It expands from a smaller easier to carry document into a larger more informative document that shows all the necessary content . This allowed the first page to simple and direct, not over powering because the leaflet expands to include the rest, its informative but also designed in a way that isn't overpowering or seems to much, its simple to read because the folding shows directions to the order.

this is a more simple when to fold, it falls out in a timeline style document that follows the same pattern. The eye is drawn downwards to follow the text in a descending order. The text is separated in to different section by the folds but overall works as one document by being seen overall as the one leaflet because the audience doesn't have to flip over the text its seen in more flowing consent line rather than a broken design. The fold are used to combine the separate parts of information but not so much that the data context seems all the same. 

This is first a simple leaflet that fold relatively normally in to a hot dog book, but after that the design then unfold completely into a full map image. The back of the information is used to fold out into a full bigger image that relates to the topic, this allow a large image to be contained in a smaller book.

this here is a more delicate fold, it folds out to allow the image/illustration to seem to grow/expand. This make it seem more like the flower are more delicate and real, also it gives a direct hierarchy of information because the information on the outside is seen first, then the second layer, then the third last. Its has to be open part by part so the hidden information can be seen, this shows the reader the infomation at different points to allow it not to be too overpowering or confusing. It also mimics the same style of a Hexaflexagon, a game that is play mostly by school children in the play ground, its simple to understand and to make and therefore doesn't need instructions as the audience will already know what it is as they will have seen it before. its a widely uses fold that shows information in stages and gives folds that reveal selected information at different points and the layers have a direct connection, giving the fold a flow that connected the different compartments. It also uses folds that separate the different section because no everything can be seen at once, this would work well for a question and answer game, like it is in most school playground or for a guessing game.

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