Thursday, 15 October 2015

Yorkshire Sculpture Park - Symbol


 research into the ideas behind simple same symbol only logos

Main themes:
simple shapes and forms
work small and big
unique/different for every other logo
colourful but simple colour scheme
simple idea
represent/links to brands ideas
negative space imagery


We visited the site to get a feel for the art work and the company, this allowed us to see the main visitors ( all ages, interested in art/culture) who are the target audience so we can suit the logo to this. Seeing the work up close helped me form more of an opinion of which sculptures i would like to experiment with and also a chance to see primary any negative space ideas or forms.

( terrible photos sorry)


This is a simple idea that i think developed more if i worked on it, i made suitable little changes to the form of the Y from the photo that worked for my ideas as now its clearly seen as a Y from a far.
The flat images appears as simple at first yet this is so it can be reproduced in different sizes and forms on all the products for the park, as well as it works with a minilistic style that is poplar with current modern logos seen in my research. 

I feel that although its a straightforward concept the final designs fits the brief as its unmistakeable at the same times as being clear from far away so it will be recognised easily. I wanted to create a logo that would work for all the target audience not just those with an art knowledge, i feel that as this shape works as a Y rather than just a part of the sculpture this will appeal to everyone. Its not overly complicated which would put off general public as they can see the form behind the idea. 


This idea is a simple, its clear but in quirky way which i think reflects the different uniqueness of the sculptures in the park. It almost creates a modern font Y which would attract an audience that would be interested in sculpture and design as they will want to see more sculptures like this. It causes its audience to think, to look at the shape as a letter and a sculpture at the same time combines with the simple colour scheme works to add interest to the park. it reflects the modern style seen in the actual sculpture. I feel the colour scheme is very important to this design as without it it isn't clear the tree sculpture is a sculpture and the ground is the ground, the simple addition of different colours separate the design into two different elements. i love this logo but i do feel it would lose some aspects smaller and might not be as clear at a smaller size.  


Here i looked at experimenting with negative space under the sculpture, i felt this was a innovative idea that would reflect the sculpture park in a different unique way but after creating it using photoshop the digital version wasn't clear enough. Unless pointed out the audience don't notice the Y under the legs of the sculpture, therefore this idea isn't effective at showing the concept also i feel the design wouldn't work smaller as it would become unclear what the design was.


Although as a sketch i felt this idea was the strongest concept using negative space as a mock up i felt it didn't work as well, i think this is because i liked the smartness of the hidden concept behind the idea rather than the aesthetic design of the final logo . Another issues i found with this design is that the hands may look like they are praying downwards which could be seen as praying towards the devil which may offend religious people.

This logo task has taught me that when it comes to symbols they don't always work as you expect, the simple easy ones may actually be more effective and fulfil the brief better than the conceptual ideas and detailed thought out ideas. Minimal works best for all sizes and means as well as can be recognised more easily and reflecting the company in a way thats shows what they do and what they are without being over complicated.

I used Helvetic text for all my ideas as i watched the Helvetic documentary and it states it a basic type that works with what ever you put it with, it so plain it used just as a platform to enhance any idea you put it with therefore would make my logos stand out more. 


- Excellent research into logo design
- Thorough approach
- 1 design works best
- Excellent critiquing of own design work
- Get constant peer feedback
- Good development
- Good consideration
- Clear design path


- Don't just get a concept and stick to it, have loads of ideas to show clients incase they don't like the first

- Keep researching in depth to get ideas of logos ect work before starting projects

- Ask for opinions on my work more, ask everyone around me

- Keep the design path ideas

- First logo works best

- Keep analysing mistakes and ideas that don't work to show strengths, find out why they don't work

- Keep looking into target audience research

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