Saturday, 21 October 2017

602 EP - The Mighty Live - Developed Ideas

Developed Ideas

After feedback from the last idea for this brief output it has been made clear that the outcome need to be a non personal, relatable, lighthearted, positive campaign based around support. Focusing on issues i faced as to represent my journey. Due to this some of the idea have been removed to fit, the outcome has ben narrowed down into 4 main ideas based around these themes.

-reflect personal journey visually


Mental health days have already been research slightly for this brief, this is due to their relation to my personal experience/support/recovery. This brief would aim to express via this outcome that these are valid and useful way to deal with mental issues. One of the main themes in this brief is to show support for the bad days, as to normalize these. due to the nature that during a bad day a suffer may feel lost, disappointed with themselves, and like it won't get better. This outcome aims to support during these times, as to express that having days to focus on work on mental health is vital, an focusing on mental health is valid.

The aim is also to express that during these days the suffer is not alone and that it's ok to not always be ok. Create a relatable piece that shows support for these days whilst showing the importance of dealing with the bad days.

research -

issues -
will this encourage the misuse of 'mental health days'
needs to support but also make the audience aim for recovery, get the balance right


This idea would a be a collection of supportive quotes that express the ideas that the suffers is not alone, their illness is valid, they're are not defined by their illness. This is created as the balance out the range of research with highlighted that many of these quotes ect imply that happiness is a choice, or something that happens why the audience decides. Personally i experience that this isn't true, it's more about dealing with the issue, chemicals and being supported. This outcome will create a campaign which will give realistic help/support, as to aid the audience to feel less alone, more understood and relate to. Create visually pleasing and positive pieces that aim to remove the stigma around talking about the issues whilst aiding the audience.

research - 

has this been done to much?
is there to much stuff like this?
is this to obvious as an outcome?


One of the issue faced by people with mental illness or people in general is the social idea that being depressed is romantic or poetic.  This is an idea produced by shows like skins, 13 reasons why, ect create the idea that having a mental illness can be beautiful or make the suffer unique or different.  This is damaging to the people as it can cause a misconception of the illness. It's not glamours .

This was a factor to my experience when suffering as most media implies that mental illness is caused by a external factor, like a break up ect therefor the idea that if this was fixed the mental illness would be solved where as this isn't correct. Mental illness is caused by chemicals, it can be worsen by a stresser but it isn't always the cause.


is this to big for this brief?
doesn't link to my journey? doesn't fit with brief
too big for this brief? (two week project)
not suitable for the medium of facebook/social media

This idea would be based that when someone suffers for a mental health issue them sometimes feel ashamed, this is due to the nature that mental health issues is seen as a negative. There is currently a large social stigma around mental health, people are told not to include it on their medical records as people will hire them less or suffers are seen as irrational/less employable. This outcomes aim would be to remove the stigma via creating social campaign based around the common phrase. The phrase is direct and easy understandable, therefor suitable for social media use.    get people talking about mental health issues as well as to inform more about how to deal with/support these issues.

The campaign would allow the audience to know that what they feel is valid and not something they should be ashamed of, it's not a character flaw just a chemical imbalance. This relate to my personal journey as set by the brief via this was a strong aspect that effected me when suffering, i was told not to tell friends about therapy and to lie about where i was going as to appear less 'crazy', this made this issue worse as i made feel like something was wrong with me. 

research -

copyright with the saying
has it been overused
could a full campaign be the outcome they are aiming for
is this outcome more suitable for a bigger brief, rather than for this media
too personal?


This idea would be based of the research into artist that create illustrational piece based of their personal anxiety/depression, this outcome would be to create my own personal versions of this in my own style. The outcome would express my journey therefor fulfilling the brief whilst using colour, form and tone to allow it to fit within the own set brief guidelines and aims. This would be a more obvious outcome for this brief. As to achieve the lighthearted nature would fit with common worries or issues rather than the deeper ones.
-burning the house down via leaving hair straighter pulled in
-social gathering issues
-thinking everyone hates me

research -

issues -
too personal
illustration isn't a strong point
too simple/obvious for the outcome
does it support people or just give them a relatable outcome?
been done too much

-illustration idea might be the most fitting for the brief
-make sure it's positive, don't want to trigger anything in illustrations
-the campaign ideas could be there own briefs? there bigger than this brief outcome
-do one of the ideas as a brief on it's own
-again make sure it's not too personal, as people will be viewing blog posts/final work
-it's ok not to be ok has been overused massively, this was seen a lot
- mental health day campaign would be good, these can be very useful
-make it relatable, this need to be a focus because some of these briefs don't
-mental health days have a bad stigma, this should be changed

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