Thursday, 19 October 2017

602 EP - The Mighty Live - Existing Work

 Existing Work 

Search into graphical work created to help, represent, inform and express mental health issues will be conducted as to asses what work already exist. This will also highlight any issues with the current work, give inspiration for ideas and allow this outcome to be original.

The outcome aims to represent my story, therefore it will need a level of personality and originality.

Pinterest research -

 After looking at this style of positive message typographical piece it highlighted on major issue, mental health is not a choice. These piece imply that the audience can chose to be happy,  from my experience with the issue i'm aware that you can not just 'snap out of it' or chose to be happy.

One of the worse thing people with mental health experience is being told 'just not to worry', or told 'its not that bad' ect, advice like this is useless for the suffer as it just makes them feeling like something is wrong as they cannot do it.

The idea behind these piece is positive but i'm aware from personal experience message along the lines of ' be happy' it would just aggregate or upset an audience of sufferers. 

Also these are all very feminine, use proverbs like she/her, this excludes males with the issues.

This is backed up buy other research ( as to make sure this was just not a personal issue).


1. "Just get over it"
2. "It's all in your head"
3. "You're such a weirdo"
4. "You really need to calm down"
5. "You just need to push through it"
6. "Why don't you have a drink?"
7. "You're overanalyzing the situation"
8. "Just suck it up and do it"
9. "You have nothing to worry about"
10. "I totally understand what you're going through"
11. "I don't see why you're so upset

1. What you’re stressing about won’t even matter in a year.
2. Life’s too short to worry.
3. Calm down.
4. It’s no big deal.
5. It’s all in your head.
6. Let it go.
7. Things could be so much worse.
8. Be positive.

1. “Calm Down!”
2. “It’s All in Your Head”
3. “It’s Really not a Big Deal”
4. “Everything Will be Fine”
5. “I Know How You Feel”
6. “Have a Drink; You’ll Feel Better”
7. “Other People are Suffering from Much Worse Conditions”
8. “You Should Try Meditation/Yoga/Veganism/etc”
9. “Why Won’t You Tell Me What’s Wrong?”
10. “Oh, Here We Go Again!”

1) Stop stressing.
2) Calm down.
3) Just do it.
4) It's all in your head.
5) It’s really not a big deal.
6) Everything will be fine.
7) I know how you feel.


bad points -
-too busy
-to general to anything/not just mental health
-not detailed
-doing some of the thing on the list are to hard when you're feeling bad
-too overly positive
-doesn't express my story/not personal
-advice rather than expression
-designed to target females only/very feminine

good points -
-positive style/colours/theme
-good to help people with the issue (target audience)
-fits with the idea of giving support/advice
-simple/easy to follow
-small steps to take
-not overwhelming

After looking ta this research this style of outcome would be a suitable for the client to post or send out, but for this brief the client ask for ''choose to share your story' I personally feel that this type of outcome has not relevance to my personal experience therefor not fixing with the aims set by the client.

The outcome could be to create a piece that showed my personal self care tips, or my personal journey, or how i dealt with the issues but not just be general tips for self care.


After research around for mental health related graphics that i felt represented how i felt or i would have found effective/useful in bad a place, these are the piece that i felt reflect these themes the most realistically. why?

-reflects things suffers feel
-empowers the suffer it's ok not to be ok
-allowed audience to feel understood
-don't put pressure on the audience
-acknowledgment of the issue as a valid feeling
-doesn't hid from the feeling/symptoms
-not all overly feminine
-no gender specific

The major feature of theme piece that allowed them to be relatable is due to the acknowledgment of the issue as a valid feeling, rather than force happiness or positivity on the audience. The outcomes signify that the issue is an issue, but it's not always bad but it can be bad and thats still fine.

These pieces support by allowing the audience to release that it wont be easy, and it isn't always good but thats normal, this is a feeling i related to massively when suffering.

Society often hides mental illness, or covers it up these piece express the importance whilst informing that it won't alway be easy but it's valid to feel like that. One of the issue with mental health suffers is they feel excluded, and that no one understands how they feel /their issues, where as these post are relatable yet still have a positive tone/idea.

after studying this research feature that need to be included and considered in the final outcome/aims-

-don't make it gendered/no gender pronouns
-make it relatable, make it express how i felt (understand the issue) 
-reflects things suffers feel
-it's ok not to be ok
-trying is valid
-allowed audience to feel understood/relatable 
-don't put pressure to be happy or perfect
-issue is a valid feeling
-doesn't hid from the feeling/symptoms
-funny, having lighthearted theme lightens the tones

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