Monday, 23 October 2017

602 EP - The Mighty Live - Final Idea

For the final outcome for this brief the idea is to create a set of typographically based piece, these will be realistic slogan/type based around supporting mental health issue via encouraging the allowing the audience/suffer to take days/time off when they need to focus on their mental health. This is based of the principle of taking 'mental health days',  days to focus on recovery with mental illness as someone would with physical illness.

Often when someone has issues with mental health they feel ashamed due to a social stigma around the issues, effectively this can then make them feel worse when they have bad days.  People should be supported to embrace these days, rather than forced to ignore or hide them as this can make issues worse. Mental health days should be taken when going to work/school/college would make the situation worse, the person wouldn't be able to do their job effectively or when they feel like they cannot cope (due to stressers). This project outcome aims to support these days via allowing the audience to realise it's ok not to have bad days and it's important to take time out to deal with these .

-make sure it's not fake postive (take from research 'chose to be happy)
-supports rather than forcefull
-is personal/relates to me
-includes no triggers
-related to issues personal experienced (due to brief being about my journey)
-make sure it works digital/for social media
-not overly serious, due to tone of site
-relatable for the audience

validate mental health issue
relatable piece
encourage mental health days/self care
express it's ok not to have bad days
allow audience to give themselves days to recover
lighthearted/kind style
soft style

inspirations -

first ideas for type-

-'sometimes swearing helps'

-'mental health days are important'

-'it's ok give your self a day off to recover'

-'you wouldn't go to work with a damaged leg, so don't with a damaged mind'

-'take it easy on your self'

-'bad days will get better'

-'everyone needs days to recover'

-'just because you can't see a illness doesn't mean it's not valid'

-'healing is not liner'

-'even if it feels bad now, it will get better'

-'take care of yourself first'

-'you've made it though all your worse days so far'

-'self care comes first'

-'self care is a form of recovery'

-'give your self a break, you need it'

-'resting is recovering, not giving up'

-self care is vital

-plays on 'she believed she could so she did', mental health is a choice, you can just chose to be ok and then be fine as this saying implies, change it so it's more relaistic

-is using a female pronoun (due toe personal) relevant or will it exclude the male audience?
-will using female pronoun imply mental health issue are just female? (relates to issues found in first research)
-should the outcome be very very causal or should it have serious undertones?
-is swearing violent/negative? or will it make it more relatable?
-do they saying encourage mental health day too much? worried about encouraging days off too much, should only be used when needed
-should the colour scheme be non gendered?/should the style be non gendered? as to relate enforce that mental health is a genderless issue
-should it been hand drawn or digital? hand drawn in more personal but digital fits with the style of the brand more/more suitable for social media
-should the final piece be formal or informal? formal as to be informative/seem factual or informal to see more personal, more causal

-remove any quotes with negatives, eg DONT/NOT
-maybe focus on less gender outcome
-make it feminine to reflect your journey, fit the brief
-make it a print then scan it in
- design it as a patch
make it something people can use in real life
-take it further than the brief
-make it personal/hand drawn as it adds personality 
-it can be really feminine as this reflect my personality
-make it formal style as seems more factual/informative
-make it serious, if you want/what tone do you want
-make it dramatic/use swearing cause this is realistic 

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