Friday, 9 December 2016

504 - Design Production, Design For Screen, Skinny Dip Charity Option

Skinny Dip Charity Option

One of the idea for this brief was to give the user the option of donating to charity at the checkout, to round up the amount or give an amount to charity to help support the homeless as the stores for the brand do. This was then disagreed with in a crit due to the nature if the company was ethical it would donate to charity a amount of its profits without having to ask the customer to spend more. This was a very valid point and due to this the option was going to be included but then recently whistling using the online store skinny dip at their checkout they have this option. It make the use of the idea be re-thought as if a expensive popular store link skinny dip does this why can't We Are Cow, Why is it seen as cheeky for We Are Cow is this more expensive less ethical brand does it.

 Skinny Dip only ask for £1, this is a good idea as it low amount but due to the amount of customers it will raise a large amount. Not pressured as its not offensive, just an option at the payment.

Also, the target audience for the website is student/young professional who might not have much disposable income, therefore give them the option tot donate rather than just raising the cost of the item would be better from them. This will give them the option rather than just charging the user more if they cannot afford it, its digital version of the penny collection at checkout which to this tore does, so it link to their ethical nature but also their shopping experience.

where to donate too?
Currently the Manchester store there is box where customers can donate tampons to the homeless and will receive a 10% on their order, this shows the shop cares deeply about the homeless in Manchester therefore a charity that fits with this would be a good idea.

how much?
Skinny dip does £1, and idea for this brief was to round it up to the next £10 or £5, this was so the amount would instead just seem like change they would get back if they paid in store but after thinking about this and looking at the feedback from the crit this may be too much for the target audience as it could be up to £4.99 effectively therefore £1 may be more suitable as this amount could be small change the users has, therefore doesn't feel like large amount but over time would built up for the company. But also an option will be added to round up the item price to the next pound, this will mean the most it takes is 99p per item and most user will round it up in their heads anyway to assess the full price of the item.Feedback is needed to see what the target audience students feel works best for them and what would make them donate the most.

FEEDBACK, how much should be asked for?
'i'd give a pound'
'well i round it up anyway so that would work better for me'
'i think the per item thing is better because it allows you to donate a small amount but it all counts'
'yeah the little amount can add up if you have like 5 items but its only small per item so i would be more inclined to pick that'
'i think most people wont want to donate anyway but if you have the small option they might, get more people to donate if its less'
'less greeedy is its less money'
'the less than a pound thing'



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