Saturday, 17 December 2016

503 Responsive Studio brief 1 -, Live Briefs, Does It Work?

Digital Pig Face Mock Up

 This is the aim for drawing that feedback suggest was the most suitable for this brief

After search thought for images of pig face for previous research to see what type of faces work with the filter many realistic drawing or images didn't, to make sure this face will work a large amount of development will have to be done to the face once it's been mocked up.  Research showed that the faces that are more simailr to human facial features in layout and size worked the best with the mapping or the lens are these are picked up easier therefore the feature of the mock up will need to be as accurate to human as possible without effecting the asethetics.

mock up face -

-eye have been changed to make it more human


Does it work??

YES!This face worked with the mapping feature and let the lens be applied

Adding text, as the face needs to have information about how the user can interact with it, this is so that more users is aware of why the pig face has been added and design. To express this type in the same style as the brands logo, and the bottle label has been created to see how this type can work around the images.
Including the logo in the image is vital as image that will be heavily shared on the soical sites yet the pig it's self has no obvious connection to the brand. Designing the logo as art of the image will mean every-time the brands logo is shared the user is also interacting and being made aware of the logo, this will increase brand awareness with the target audience via sharing the image.

The logo of the brand has be stated by the client not to be changed due to this the type cannot be alter to fit round the image but must be place a suitable area. The text cannot overlap the Pig Image as this would effect the mapping feature but also mean when the lens is add the text would be effected too due to alteration lens give to the image this could make the text eligible.Th text has been placed between the ears to frame the image, as well as this layout this fits best with the curve of the text due to the lettering placement in the logo.

 It has been identified the text need to inform about the 'hidden' feature of the image, so they audience are drawn to the image whist also encouraged to interact with it's social media feature more.  Making the snapchatable feature more obvious to the audience. The phrase 'snapchat me' has been used to give personality to the pig whilst also stick to the lighthearted casual tone of voice set by the client. The speech bubble has been added to draw attention to the text whilst also linking the text to the image via the audience knowledge that this style of symbol represent speech directly linking the text to the above image.  The speech bubble takes the colour from the current labeling of the bottle in aim to fit with the client colour scheme and branding style.


due to the largeness of the ears of the pig illustration once the text is added its forms large face  around the pig face which is instead picked up by the mapping feature, the ears take the form of the eyes and the text as the mouth. This means the ears will need to be made smaller as to reduce the risk of this happening again. Also the size of the eyes on then pig face will be made bigger as to increase the chance of these being picked up instead.

fix -

The ears have been made smaller and the eye made bigger, this had made the face large more suitble as it now its very easily picked up via the range of lens. These tests show that at this size the face picks up all the lens and applies the features of the lens to the correct part of the pig, the glasses are applied to the eyes correctly, the flowers applied to the head correctly showing this face works accurately with the mapping features. THE NEW FACE IS CORRECTLY MAPPED

adding text back -
Adding the text last time was the issue  with the design as this effected the mapping therefore the application of the lens on the face, tests with this now edited version of the Pig Face will see how the text works in combination.


Placement of the text Experimentation - The face now works with the mapping fitting with the aim of the idea create a piece that can be interacted with using snapchat via the users. Now the issue is to make this Pig Face label fit with the rest of the banding and label for client product, text developmental work into the layout of the label will be done to achieve this with the aim of allowing the label to fit more with the front label style and the rest of the bottle design.

The text has been added to the top of the image in attempt it not be picked up as teeth, changing the  layout to the top removes the lettering from reflecting teeth due to the layout. This has been done to reduce the risk of it being capture by the mapping as another face larger than the wanted pig face.

does it work?yes, type works more accurate at the top

layout development -

 colour experiment added-

 link to other social sites added, branding typeface used  -

 label colour scheme added-

decription added/type layout change

does it work??


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