Friday, 31 March 2017

505 Design Practise 2 - Studio Brief 1- Final Development

After the issue with the last screen print the final design will need to be altered, this is to avoid these issues and to create a poster to the standard needed for this event. 

Changes needed 
-don't add to much detail
-don't made the design fill an A3 pages this is heard to equally pull though, leaves ink in the screen which then dries or over leaks
-keep the layers simple

designed more around the photos captured at the event, the lanterns on the ground/sky line

would this be too simple???

  creates unbalanced layout 

made to focus around middle as taken for chinese design research/more balanced design 

This design has been made bigger as to reflect the mass scale of the festival but as the layers do not cover the full bleed this will be easier to print

will the Chinese type be readable?

Added more dot to represent the bulbs of the different colours at the festival, the range of coloured festival used as well as to integrate the colour scheme more equally over the design  

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

505 Design Practise 2 - Studio Brief 2 - Presentation Feedback

Presentation Feedback

Feedback for the Presentation was widely around the the idea that feminism is misrepresented and this is the idea that needs to be taken forward rather than based around violence around women issues. The issue for this module should be based more around the area of the stereotypes/ideas of what a feminist is or can be related to feminism, the aim should be to show the contrasting actual definition and represents the difference. CHANGE THE WORLDS VIEW ON FEMINISM

Overall the feedback resulted in that idea for the brief need to be largely more defined into focus on one issue, more directly into a specified to one area relating to feminism. The main content of the presentation focus on the issues related to feminism where as the focus need to be pushed back into the stereotypes and the misconception of the issue.

The t-shirt example mention raised more issues around the idea isn't available in men sizes or for men but also only available in sizes to 12. This shows the brand conception of what a feminist is, an averaged sized women only, this is a common stereotype which should be explore more in research and could form the basis for this project.


Friday, 24 March 2017

505 Design Practise 2 - Studio Brief 2 - Artists Have Created Images To Inspire Change Around Abortion Rights

Artists Have Created Images To Inspire Change Around Abortion Rights

Abortion Rights are one of the issue feminism covers and an issue with is currently discussed very heavy in the media and around Donald Trump presidency. This was also a major feature in the women's march and the poster they showed due to potentital change in laws surround this issue.

This project is an example of ways this brief can be taken, this is project created as in the form of a book called The Mine Anthology which is a collection of different artists views and work related to the issue to raise awarenss around the issue.

This is an idea for the problem this brief could explore too therefor research into how other artists have raise awareness around this issue and shown their support in the form of this article has been conducted.

This project has been put together as artistic voice so the artists could create an art book which people could share that would show an Irish perspective on abortion. The aim is to raise awareness whilst also creating a fund raising campaign which will help support the cause.

'Many have been campaigning for a referendum to repeal the eighth amendment and replace it with legislation that would allow women free, safe, and legal access to abortion. Proceeds from the anthology will be donated to the Abortion Rights Campaign, which is instrumental in driving the movement' 

'Images were collected after Harte put out a call for submissions on social media. The anthology includes designs by both men and women.'


505 Design Practise 2 - Studio Brief 1- Printing First Try

For this module the final outcome have to create a manually printed A3 poster, as the selected the method for this is screen printing, this as it capture detailed and reproduced the intended details whilst also the ability to recreate glow in the dark and floruensent inks. As the Event selected is the Magic Lantern Festival these light reflecting and specialist ink could be used to visually reflect this part of the events aesthetic.

The current design was compiled of a 4 layer print including the glow in the dark section.

The design of the print was designed to full bleed A3 size which causes a range of issues with the printing of this outcome,  as well as a few other issues, (the screen used someone had covered in glue by accident which left a unintended mark print in the print) the final print for this brief must be redone.

The aim was to print  10 different posters but after studying these there is 1 out of these that is suitable for submitting for the brief, but even this isn't as perfected as aimed for and if there is more time available should be redone.

There was a range of issue with this print and the printing method, which were causes by personal issue. The print was to large to be pull thorough evenly and the full bleed background causes many issues, therefore this print will be redesigned with the issue fixed and reprinted for the deadline.

things that were wrong in this attempt-
-don't add to much detail
-don't made the design fill an A3 pages this is heard to equally pull though, leaves ink in the screen which then dries or over leaks
-keep the layers simple
-drawn over the laser jet printed design in back pen if it's not printed probably before exposing the
-wet the screen straight after exposure, mixes with ink and create runny design
-measure the paint to medium ratio better
-wait for the screens to dry before changing colour
- dont not pull the ink thought twice
-use the correct size squedey
-glow in the dark ink goes off
-use power for sliver ink, paint does not work

due to full bleed images it was hard to print the full background, small arms/weak, my fault

Glue on the screen causes a print to have the last user print still on, this meant the print looked textured and printed incorrectly, this happen to a few different people at the time
coloured pull thought he blue level equally, had to do it twice which made the ink over spill and leak or not print
also, these prints have the glow int he dark in on, but as it had gone out of date this layer didn't worth either 

as the glow in the dark layer didn't work i tried to ad silver, this was done with sliver acrylic rather than the power and therefore left a very opacitic finish which make the prints look messy/unfinished 

print that was ok

Thursday, 23 March 2017

505 Design Practise 2 - Studio Brief 2 - Presentation

As part of our interim crit a presentation of our current research for this brief and our idea for the ethical problem need to be presented. This needs to sum up the  current research and explain the issue aimed to fix/change.

subject of current research-
what feminism is
how feminism is seen/why it's seen like that
what it is about
serious issues it need to help/facts

ISSUE- feminism is portrayed in the media as 'braless hair lesbian' trend where as it's a serious issue that effect women all over the world, how to change this.

presentation ideas-


503 Responsive Studio brief 1 -, Submission

503 Responsive Studio brief 2, Submisson Boards/Submisson

As the deadline for this brief is today the designs board need to be complied for the range of work we've done for the brief to sell our idea to the client via YCN. The submission boards are drastically different to the usually design boards we create for our deadline and as illustration course don't usually do boards for their project past examples where studied for the content that should be applied and tone of voice. This gave us a good idea of the style we needed to do the boards in.

Kieran designed the layout of the boards and as I'd finished my work for the other YCN deadline at this point therefore offered to put the content on the boards and the group would write content between us.

Kate sent over the really good type for the boards do this could be included, but although Kieran said he'd send over the text 2 hours before the deadline he hadn't got round to doing this so i had to write his content instead, otherwise the brief would't had been submitted. I did intent for a group meeting on the day of the deadline to ensure the group where happy with the boards i'd composed and did send over the boards for any final chances or feedback but due to deadline stress the other didn't responded,  as no changed where highlighted i sent in the boards as they were, if i'd waited for feedback we would had not entered the brief in time.

This part of the brief was really stressful for me as i wasn't sure if the group where happy with the final submission due to lack of response but had to send of the boards anyway to fulfill the brief aims. This wasn't that bad for me as i had completed my other brief ages before the deadline so i could focus my time near the deadline on this brief but if i'd still had a large amount of work to do this would have been an issue. This has showed that group work should be given time before the deadline to be finished so the group can give full feedback, i do understand the stress the other members where under and therefor tried to not pressure them as this would have made things worse, so i completed the boards and sent them off.

submission proof -


We had trouble with attendance in our group due to external issues which caused us to become behind with the project compere to our set deadline and this did cause the rest of our group to panic abit. This taught how if someone cant be in the area or around communication is key to keeping them up to date and with work, FaceTime was a good medium to do this. Due to the other members absence some members had to take on extra work to try and finish the campaign in time for the deadline and so we had a submission but in the last week of the brief this did improve as some of the work was completed and the member was available for a final crit and reviews of the work. This brief taught how even if you agree to do certain work as a group due other issues this might not be possible, helping out group member by completing some of their tasks at this point is important to reduce their stresses as well as to allow the project to be taken forward.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

503 Responsive Studio brief 2, Meeting Feedback/Changes and Mock Up

Today is the final planned meeting for this brief with the group this is as the deadline is tomorrow, the final changes to the poster i produced will as well as any future work and ways the brief could be taken forward aft the submission. The submission boards also need to be made for the brief.

-change colour of black text to fit with the colour scheme
-really like the final poster
-happy as a group with the outcomes
-shows our work off as group
-can see all our outputs
-type and pattern work really well to reflect the over all theme
-change bottle to cans on the can poster

final posters

The type for the campaign expresses a contemporary nature due to the san serif typeface used but then have edited to incorporate swirls and embellishes to reflect the heritage of the brand and portray elegance. The type aimed to be decorative but also very readable. We kept to the to the main typeface used by the brand the other body copy to fit with the existing branding style, whilst also making sure the poster design where legible.

The poster are a mix of contemporary graphic design layout yet also depict the campaigns defining features, the pattern adds a level of heritage. The background image is broken up by the strip to give a sold background to the imagery, this directly focus the audience attention on the products as well as the brands logo and design style.   

beer matt idea -
At the final meeting after the final poster set had bee create an idea to make the campaign into beer matts as this will be given out at the distribution channel of the product in bars and pub we explored.  as a group experiment with different ways of applying the campaign to this medium, i created the final mocks up with group feedback.

final beer matts -
side 1 

  slow gin beer matts
side 1

We created the beer matts again using the same design as on all out other advertising, we felt this was particularly important so that the consumers began to associate the limited edition ‘summer time’ print with the brand as a whole. We altered the colours of each of the collection depending on what we felt was appropriate and relevant.

Each can, bottle and beer matt has its own identity, in keeping with the ways in which our group viewed British summertime, A range of people and their individualities all coming together to celebrate the same thing with Greenalls Gin at the heart of the party.

The versatility of the camping design meant that applying it to the range of products was effective yet also easy, this demonstrates how the campaign could also be conveyed over a range if other channels, for example as as TV advert, as a bottle tag, as a shelve design or as part of case packaging. Mock ups allowed the idea to be visualised to the client, so the brand could see our idea for the campaign.