Kieran designed the layout of the boards and as I'd finished my work for the other YCN deadline at this point therefore offered to put the content on the boards and the group would write content between us.
Kate sent over the really good type for the boards do this could be included, but although Kieran said he'd send over the text 2 hours before the deadline he hadn't got round to doing this so i had to write his content instead, otherwise the brief would't had been submitted. I did intent for a group meeting on the day of the deadline to ensure the group where happy with the boards i'd composed and did send over the boards for any final chances or feedback but due to deadline stress the other didn't responded, as no changed where highlighted i sent in the boards as they were, if i'd waited for feedback we would had not entered the brief in time.
This part of the brief was really stressful for me as i wasn't sure if the group where happy with the final submission due to lack of response but had to send of the boards anyway to fulfill the brief aims. This wasn't that bad for me as i had completed my other brief ages before the deadline so i could focus my time near the deadline on this brief but if i'd still had a large amount of work to do this would have been an issue. This has showed that group work should be given time before the deadline to be finished so the group can give full feedback, i do understand the stress the other members where under and therefor tried to not pressure them as this would have made things worse, so i completed the boards and sent them off.
submission proof -
We had trouble with attendance in our group due to external issues which caused us to become behind with the project compere to our set deadline and this did cause the rest of our group to panic abit. This taught how if someone cant be in the area or around communication is key to keeping them up to date and with work, FaceTime was a good medium to do this. Due to the other members absence some members had to take on extra work to try and finish the campaign in time for the deadline and so we had a submission but in the last week of the brief this did improve as some of the work was completed and the member was available for a final crit and reviews of the work. This brief taught how even if you agree to do certain work as a group due other issues this might not be possible, helping out group member by completing some of their tasks at this point is important to reduce their stresses as well as to allow the project to be taken forward.
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