Friday, 19 February 2016

404 - Studio Brief 2 - What is a book? Content Crit Feeback

Content Crit Feeback 

Ideas taken to crit for the book, concept ideas 
my top influential albums
my tope 20 album designs
album designs that redefined graphics
weird album covers
the best song of my life and when i listen to them
songs that got me through my exams/stress
records i love
20 people favourite record sleeve designs and why
the best record sleeves of the past 20 years
the best record sleeves of my life
The best record sleeves, one from each year of my life (i'm 20 years old)

After taking those idea to my crit, the feedback was that one person suggested that i do my personal redrawn versions of my top influential record sleeves. After someone suggest this idea i then asked others in the crit what they thought and compared to my ideas it got the most positive feedback, it seem that it was very different to other peoples ideas and that people felt it would be a book that i'd enjoy to produce the most. As this brief is focusing on the layout over the content and this would give me more control over the design aspects of the book as i could do the imagery as i wanted, i could do any style of illustration i like and make it more successful in the end as i'd enjoy producing it. 

Album Cover in this Style 

After getting the crit feedback that i should drawn my versions of the record sleeves,  these record sleeves came to mind -

I'm going to research more into style of illustration and how to produce/created the sleeve redrawn imagery but this is style that i feel will fit with the ideas of the book, minimal, modern but slightly different light heart and edgy. Since these cover like this already exist i will love at create different style of normal record sleeves in s style like this to see if its as effective for the different design. This is just a quick idea i will investigate this style more and how to draw the covers myself. 

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