Friday, 12 February 2016

How Do You Read? Print 3

Print 3, on Acetate Again 

For this print the printed acetate was used again, this was as the cellophane was impossible to use and the acetate was also more suitable for the brief. This book pages fell out of the printer when it finished printing them, this created marks on the ink and even cause it to rub off in some places. Also because the sheets hit the floor whilst wet they picked up much and dust from the floor which cant be removed from the pages. After this happened it was clear the book would need to be reprinted again but the book was used to text binding in two section incase this messed up the next print. The pages where separated into halves then clipped together with book clippers to be bound, there is a line along the hole punch machine which the pages where lined up against (to make sure both set of whole were even) then it punch separately. This created a even holes on all pages and the whole punch worked fine on this thickness of material so could be bound perfectly, this informed the binding of the next book.

uneven cut due to guillotine use, will cut by hand for next book

page showing the dust marks collected on the page

This print also got a mark on it whilst it was being bound as the machine has ink on but i didn't see it, i will clean the machine before using it for the next print

After all the pages weren't even as they had been cut unevenly i tried to even the line sup using a guillotine, as the book was too thick to be cut like this it ending up bending the back page and created an uneven cut line that can be seem on the front page. To avoid this next time i will not use a guillotine at all and make sure i cut all the pages separately by hand.

As the pages got dust on them on one page i tried to wipe it of using water, this reacted with the ink and wiped the ink off too. This made the pages have an uneven cover and gave a unprofessional messy look therefore the dust cant be removed but i will take step in the next print to reduce the amount of dust around the final print, i will cut it on a surface away from digital print and will clean the surface before use, i will also leave the ink for longer to dry before touching it.

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