Monday, 22 February 2016

Final Evaluation - Secret Seven

Final Evaluation - Secret Seven 

For these brief we had to create a record sleeve for a song from a selected list without using the name of the artist or the name of the song, this was for a live brief and the final sleeve would be submitted to the secret seven competition. This challenged the my graphic design skills as a designer i usually relay heavy on typographical style but since this is an area i aim to specials in one day i created was many design idea and sleeve as i could for this brief. As i enjoyed the work and enjoyed creating the sleeve i spend al large amount of time on this brief which has shown to be that for future briefs i need to turn them around tot fit my interest, use fields of graphic design i’m interested in for the piece as this is when i put the most effort into the briefs. The main aim i had for this brief was that the sleeve i created had to be different, stand out from the rest of the submission they will receive to do this i took a more out of the box style approach to this brief. Taking ideas for the chemical symbol for worry (the chosen song) along with influences from peoples experiences and the effects on anxiety on the body, a more literally definition of the title. As this cover is for a exhibition based brief i look at artist that produce more fine art response, like Wild Humm and David Shillinglaw, this is so the final outcome was aseptically please as was as functional. For this brief the most defining part of the outcomes came from the in-depth research completely, this research gave idea and style decision to the final outcome which i feel benefits them in a positive light. Every cover has a purpose and concept that is different yet related back the song in some way. I have tried to experiment  with different media for this brief but feel a let down of the final outcome is the production, i enter a digital submissions for the final competition but now think that i could have screen printed the cover design on different media or materials the enhance the design, this will be a part i experiment with for the next brief as i feel its the major area for this brief which hasn't be covered.  

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