Friday, 19 February 2016

How do You Read? Final Binding

Final Binding 

As the concept behind this book is that it a flip book for children where they can easily overlap combination of the CMY colour scheme to see how printed use this in print to produce the vast range of colour systems the binding for the book needed to be the easiest to flip though the pages, it needed to show the whole page and allow the audience to see the pages overlapping but do this themselves. Because of this and because the book in the research showed this method i have used spiral bound/ring bounding for this book.

Spiral Binding, also known as Coil Binding, is a common method for joining the pages and cover of a bound document.
It utilizes a durable plastic or metal coil that is inserted and twisted through small holes punched along the spinal edge of the book’s cover and pages. The coil joins the pages and cover as an assembly, yet still allows them to open freely.   

The Advantages of Spiral Binding…
- The pages can be opened a full 360 degrees. 
-The pages turn easily and stay put.

- It can accommodate low page counts or high page counts.

After the using the guillotine for the first copy of this book and finding that it didn't cut the acetate properly, and also was very hard to get even cut for all the pages as when the page was cut it removed the crop marks therefore the last cut was a guess for the final version of my book i have cut it using aa scapula and metal ruler. this allowed me to cut perfectly along the crop marks, this made the shape of the paper pages perfectly even and cut correctly. I then used these as stencil to cut the acetate with the same medium, this was harder as the acetate was harder to cut so took more pressure and bend sometimes when i was trying to cut them but his couldn't be avoided at the cellophane material i looked at feel a part when cut, this material even if slightly uneven is still more useful for this book.
Scapula and metal rule is the best way to cut pages with crop marks

When binding this book i used a book clipper to keep the pages in the correctly page so when the hole punch punched the holes for the binding they were all even which meant to book could be bound more identically so the edges of the book are more even.   

After the first print bounding failed due to the book being to thick to be bound at once  for this print i have sectioned off the book into two halves and will cut these and different times but lined up against the marks on the whole punch to make sure the hole punches are accurate and line up.

first half hole punched

  second half hole punched 

Overall after testing this binding method 3 time before the final print which was no planned so took time it was worth it as i learnt how to use the machine properly and how to make sure the binding lined up, how much to put though at once. Because of the test binding the final bounding of this book is quite good, its even and keeps the pages flipable as it is lined up correctly, the hole are fully cut out due to sectioning of the book before the hole punch.  

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