Saturday, 19 March 2016

406 Studio Brief 2 - Licence to Print Money, Plant Research

Plant Research 

One of the main concept for this brief was to create set of bank notes that show the follower of each country, as every country has a national or important follower which relates to their history or their culture this would inform whilst showing the beauty of nature and helping raise awareness about saving plants and their importance in our world. Other concept was about using the note as a way to inform the younger generation of countries cultures, this is as younger people are the audience that use physical money over adults as they can't have band card yet. After feedback from a group of people it was suggested that i could combine both these idea and create a bank note that shows the culture using the natural flower amongst other patterns and text, represent the countries flower in a way that symbolises the culture and nationalism in a appealing note that would be fit for an exhibition. For this brief i have decided to select china as the country to design the note for.

Chinese Plant Research

In Chinese decorative arts pictured flowers, fruits, and trees are representations for various aspects of life. Knowing the symbolic meaning of a plant enables you to understand the hidden message.

Every flower, branch and leave is counted to ensure irregularity (especially in displays); an odd number is preferable since it is meant to convey the dynamic irregularity of the life force itself. Unopened buds should always be included among flowers in bloom, as they represent life’s continuous journey.The colours of the plants should coordinate with the colour of the container, appearing to spill naturally out of it. 
Apple - peacelovingapple blossom - beautyapple and magnolia - wishful positive thoughts for a beautiful = rich householdApricot - beauty, beautyful woman, spring and good fortuneBamboo - youth, suppleness, strength, endurance, flexibility, longevity (also symbol of summer)bamboo, lucky - luck, money, quick achievement, strength, endurance
Carnation - marriageCherry blossoms - power, feminine beauty Chrysanthemum - intellectual accomplishments, cleansing qualities, cure illnesses, longevity, 
Lily - innocenceLotus - puritylotus, flower - enlightenmentlotus, seeds - prosperity, offspringslotus, stem - connection to origin
Magnolia - beautiful womanNarcissus (daffodil) - prosperityOrchid - elegance (also symbol of spring)Peach blossom - luckpeach fruit - long life, association of immortality, divine fruit of gods
peach petals - state of intense trance of lovepeach tree - longevitypeach wood - ward off evil
Willow branch- being able to bend (or adapt) but not break

In ancient China, people called a man of great virtue a gentleman. In the world of flowers, plum blossoms, orchids, bamboo and chrysanthemums are known as the four gentlemen in China because these plants’ natural character have something in common with human virtues. They have all long been featured in ancient paintings and poems used to express loftiness, righteousness, modesty and purity by Chinese literati.

Plum blossoms




Four Noble Plants in Chinese Culture

Plants People Associate with China

As i want this note to reflect Chinese culture and china as a country, to get opinions on which flower peopel associated with china wi will as a group of people what follower that associate with china and chinese culture, this will give me a flower that people clear associate with the country will give me primary data so make sure i fit my concept.


results - 
cherry blossom
lily pad

National Flower of China 

officially - peony
In 1903, the Qing Dynasty declared the peony as the national flower. Currently, the Republic of China on Taiwan designates the plum blossom as the national flower, while the People's Republic of China has no legally designated national flower.

For this brief i will experiment with the different flowers -
cherry blossom
plum blossom
I will experiment to see which looks best on the note as they all have link to the culture and the country, i will have to make sure i reflect the cultural rules of suing these to make sure i don't offend anyone whilst creating this note. As this brief is for an exhibition i will get feedback now which flower people think is the more elegant for the note design, constantly making sure it fits the brief of being suitable for an exhibition. 


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