Tuesday, 8 March 2016

406 Studio Brief 3 - Collaboration Brief, Job Roles

Job Roles 

After coming together as group for this brief we decide that rather than do all the aspects each we could assign job roles to each member, then get constant feedback via a group chat for everyones idea, this would mean each part of the final exhibition had more in-depth research and development done, this would be what happen in a graphic team for a del life brief therefore we did this. The Job roles where based off what people wanted to do, what they felt strongest in and what they wanted to work on/improve.

Irfan - Photography
Kieran - Branding
Rob - Posters/invites
Courtney - Wayfinding
Leah -Layout
Beth - Social Media/Advertising

As in the future i want to go into advertising this is the area i asked for, i wanted to do the social networking/advertising for the group as this in a important part of the brief and the exhibition now that everyone using social media so much.  The exhibition is targeted creatives, studios, students and potential clients. The whole focus of the brief is to invite people to visit the exhibition to view the students work, this is to get the student notice and improve interest in the course.

-potential clients

aims for this brief are to set up a social presents for the exhibition, to contact and research into studio ect to invite to the exhibition and find ways of making them want to visit, use social media to raise awareness of the exhibition so more people attend. 

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