'Toru Kase is a graphic designer who studied at Kuwasawa Design School in Tokyo. His playful approach that mixes type and graphics results in light-hearted and distinctive work. Toru’s blurring of typographic design and illustration is seen in his flyers for Dinosaur Expo, an annual group exhibition held in Tokyo, and his flyer for a bookstore from 2014.'
This art its uses type as part of the illustration, working with it rather than alongside it to make all the styles work together that has a over all casual yet well designed feel. The ratio between white space and colour works to highlight the simplistic design, it balances out his work to make the complicated design/layout not be too over powering. The simple colour schemes and san serif fonts are used to modernise his work as they are associated with more current design work associated with more swish design.
Looking at designer from other countries will influence the design of the money to make it more suitable for a more cultured design, taking these inspiration will allow the work to be decorative but also reflective of the country and fit the brief better.
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