Earlier in this brief as part of the research i studied the definition of feminism, what it starts for the the belief system. The conclusion was that feminism is the belief in social equality for both genders. After conduct this research secondary research primary research was done into what other actually think feminism and feminists are, this i after personal experience of being called a lesbian for being a feminists.
In general after conducting this research it concluded that social view of feminist is very different to the actual dictionary definition. this is show via this 'urban' dictionary definition of the subject area -
Urban dictionary is a site where users can post their own definition of subject, then the get 'vote' on the most popular which is then displayed high on the page as the most 'accurate definition'.
In these definitions it shows how some members many of society feel feminism is the support and the believe women are superior to males rather than equality due to their actions. It's an idea for 'stupid ugly women' that they should be superior to men.
Many of the quote explain the correct definition of feminism then go on to explain how this has been changed to fit a different ideology and that the belief not is bias toward women and it's only used when it benefits females. After studying all these quotes non of them reference anywhere that men can feminist either, these views contradict massively the actual what feminism as a whole, what it supports and the beliefs therefor this is as issue. Many people have a corrupted view of the subject area therefore this could be an issue explored by this brief.
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