Thursday, 9 February 2017

503 Responsive Studio brief 2, First Group Meeting

After finding a collaboration partner last week, Kate Hulme, illustration student, we've talks more during the week and decided to look fro another personal to join the group this is to get a wider range of influences and ideas as well as finding a design who specialize more in modern graphic design or illustration. This as this could help with create piece that fits the clients aim as the the brief set b states the brand aims for a 'contemporary' output therefore someone with a more modernist style could be useful also as we are both female a male influence could make sure that the design fits the multi-gender target audience.

There is another meeting for people still looking for collaboration today, as Kate cannot make it i aim to go and hopefully find another partner that can work with us to produce the brief. A worry for this was that i didn't want to find someone who wouldn't work well with our styles, so to i used kate's instagram to show her style of working as well as the brief ideas we currently had discusses quickly to see if any one would be interested in working with us on this brief. The aim was to find a graphic designer that could give a different view, style and input to the project to make sure we had a wide range of ideas.

After the a discussion Kieran Nicholson, a graphic design student who worked mostly digitally in packaging or brand design has joined our collaboration group. Kieran's design style is drastically different to Kate's, and mine is slightly between them both therefore we felt we had a good range of design style and skills between us to work with. As group we now had someone who has a good knowledge of print and drawing, a type/advertising specialist and now also a branding/packaging specialist so it give us a range of different mediums and output to explore for this open brief. 

personal idea for the brief -

Brief Annotation 
Kieran and I then read over the brief as group this was to point out that the client wanted, what the brief was, what the restriction where, what we could change and what they wanted to keep the same -

group ideas generation, we identified these main features -
-greenall don't want a rebrand, they are happy with their logo and there current house style, made clear as none of this can be changed  
-they want a British moment based campaign
-target audience is millennials 19-36, both genders, social, social media use heavily
-they have strong brand values, and proud of their British heritage
-want to keep and make a focus the green british flag they use
-they want an idea that can work across different channels/be applied to different things
-dark green pantone colour is the main colour, want this kept, white and sliver also
-logo must feature heavily
-Britain's oldest gin
-proud of their roots, proud to be British 
-visually heavy work can be done to their campaigns
-British sense of humours/irony
-Britain's 2nd Gin
-Gin & Tonic is the drink of the moment
-recruit new consumers into Greenall’s or engage with our existing fans
-Greenall’s is the #2 standard gin in the UK
-open to any medium
-Greenall’s at its heart

After studying the brief it was made clear to the group that Greenall's Gin are looking for a new way to capture British moments, to stand out the British millennial audience by capturing these moment/moments in a medium that allows the audience to all relate, whilst using this to imply/over sell their British Roots/Heritage and their brand (therefore their products). They want to creatively capture a typically moment then use this to promote their British brand values, as their main focus and selling point seem to be their British nature and history therefore this has to be explored and capture in way that promotes the gin. Create a idea that reflects British moment which have lasted through time and are still relevant today, and bring this to life in a contemporary to sell the gin brand to millennials. Find way to take advantage of the new popular gin trend and create a way Greenalls can promote to this audience in stylistic way.  

British Moment Ideas

-group idea generation 
After analyzing the brief to find out what Greenalls wants from the brief outcome, its made clear that they want a piece that reflect 'a typical British moment' that a wide range of people can relate to. A moment or thing that can be alter/used in promotional work for then client in some sort of medium, before the medium is explore the moment need to be decide on.The moment will take the main focus of the brief as it's about capturing a moment the audience can all relate to then using then creatively representing this moment in way that promotes the Greenalls brand.

-queen speech
-royal wedding/royal births (street parties)
-watching british tv
-getting caught in shit weather
-shit public transport
-reading british book, like james bond and harry potter/Roal darlh 
-listening to british music, like the Beatles/certain album all British people have listened too
-British tv shows, doctor who
-bbq in summer
-pub gardens in summer
-drinking tea
-posting letters/post boxes
-London buses
-site seeing in London/across the country
-being awkward
-good weather lasting 5 minutes
-women bitching
-British garden parties, 

British things
As well as common British moment the we've explored typically British things, things that everyone has in Britain has come across/things that celebrate British culture or are from Britain this is to fit with the way greenall is proud to be British, these are things that are seen as proudly British/ representational of Britain.

-British bees (are dying out)
-British grey squirrel
-British music/albums, like the Beatles/spice girls/bowie
-British plants, daisy
-British animals, like frogs/butterflies
-British landmarks, big ben ect

first ideas -

An idea we looked and thought about was creating special addition bottles for the company, we conduced brief research into a few different campaigns and bottles design/packaging for inspiration for this brief then shared this to Kate. This related back to the first meeting with Kate went we discussed creating some sort of pattern or print that could be used, the idea was for a limited addition bottle based around a typically British moment, but the bottle design/pattern could be applied to the range of advertising as was stated in the brief. To create a pattern, print or design that could be applied over a range of mediums to reflect a famously British moment.

create a different pattern/style design for each of the different gins and cocktails, have a personal print/design for each one as part of a special edition. create a limited bottles and cans designs that would be visually pleasing whilst representative of the gins taste/ingredients. This could then be used to represent them on the shelve design, or in a carrier. like absolute vodka.

An idea we had a group was to create a special edition packaging or bottle or campaign that takes inspiration from British wild life and create a partnership with the National Trust. As this is very traditionally British charity so would fit with the Clients brands aims as well as would set the gin apart from it's competitors as it would support a good cause, it would create a design or campaign that saved Britain.

After first looking at these ideas we're decided that we will meet again soon as a full group the look more into some ideas for these themes, discuss how the roles in our group, set up the contract, analyse when we can meet up ect. This will be next week at some point, before this research into Greenalls Products the brand and their social media site ect should be done as well as few more personal ideas.

more personal ideas-
-play out when younger, British bulldogs/hopscotch
-British pub grub
-visit blackpool/shit beaches
-fish and chips at the seaside
-afternoon tea/scones
-the races
-British bake off


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