Thursday, 9 February 2017

503 Responsive - Studio brief 2, Submission Presentation

Submission Presentation

deadline - 24th March 11:59 pm, 2017

Give title of the response that is not the name of the brief, name of the concept. Any images or materials that might be at risk of copyright as long as the original source is noted. All submission must be digitally but photography can be used to show physically products. For this company there is no entry free, all entries must be submitted via the selected medium.

Demonstrate in as much as a work and explanation as possible, the best way to show all the work is as a final PDF of all the design boards as one document.

Work for brief can have name and college on, the design boards need to be more brief for the submission. The aim is to capture the judges attention straight away, need to grab their attention visually then explain. Make it more image heavy, so defiantly take final professional images of the brief. 

explain of presentation board on e-studio,  these can be used to see how to layout/style needed for the brief. As these are winners they show the style of design the judges are looking for. 

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