Thursday, 10 November 2016

503 Responsive Studio brief 1 -, Live Briefs, What Makes the Target Audience buy Cider

What Makes the Target Audience buy Cider

As the target market for this brief is 21-18 asking this audience what makes them interested in cider, or what makes them buy cider will show want need to be altered to fit this market. This primary research will be conducted to see what the main influences for the intended age range are, what makes them pick a selected cider over another as there is a wide range of ciders available. Once the main defining factors into the purchase choice has bee outlined these can be used to create a outcome for the brief that makes the target audience selected this intended cider. Highlighting the feature that make cider sell will allow this brand to sell to this market.

As part of the target market myself i have a few ideas on what would make the audience purchase selected brands due to my personal experience of why i buy selected cider/beer brands. Reflecting on what features dedicate my purchase the questions have been personalized to identity if the target audience as a whole reflect and share my views or if they purchase due to different features.

Personal Choice 
As a student usually i purchase cider off the cheapest or of any cider that is on offer due to budget restrictions, this means to me the price of the cider or the offers available for students will influence my choice. If not the price point usually i will only buy cider i have tried before as i am aware i like this cider, otherwise i would be wasting my money, stick to brands i'm common/associated with. If out away from home also i would chose my drink off how easy it would be drink, for example in summer if i'm going out to drink somewhere or do not have a bottle opener on me i would stay clear of any cider that need a opener as i wouldn't be able to drink these products. The label does influence my decision as i would prefer to purchase the cider with the more aesthetically pleasing bottle design even if the product inside was similar, also nice design stands out more on the shelves as the other bottles are created to appeal more to and older male audience but this may be due to my design interest nature . in the current age I feel like with anything these days having awareness with social media site will target this audience and encourage purchase as when they go in-store they will already have knowledge of the cider brand, the brand seems less foreign and more appeal due to the nature it's been advertised on the site. Social media sharing brands shows their popularity, if a brand has a large amount of follower or images of people drinking the cider it automatically implies the cider is a better brand therefor a better investment. 


1)'Do you buy cider?'
2)'How do you select which cider to buy?'
3)'What influences your purchase?'
4)'Does design influences which cider your purchase?'
5)'Do you have a favourite cider? if so why?'
6)'Are you influenced by items/brand you see heavily on social media sites?'
7)'Would engaging/interactive/functional packaging make you want to buy it more?'
8)'Have you ever had to open a bottle with something else due to lack of bottle opener?'
9)'Do you buy brands you've tried before or buy brands to experiment?'
10)'Does price influences your choice?'


Liam (18)
1) Sometimes, if it's cheap
2)The price, i want cheap cider, or cider that's on offer
3)The Price mostly, or the weather, cider is nice on a hot day
4)I guess so, but i don't really thin about it, i probably wouldn't buy most fruit ciders except Blumers due to the girly nature of the bottles/colours
5) Strongbow, its cheap and sweet, gets you drunk fast
6)yeah, i wouldn't buy brand i hadn't seen before, i'd be put off as i wouldn't know the quality
7)yeah i think so, depends on how it's engaging, drunk people love playing with things.
8)yes, a lot actually
9)tried before, i dunno if i'll like the others
10)YES, i've said this before

Anna (20)
2)Price, Flavor, Packaging
3)Price, Flavor, Packaging
5)Rekodlic, except its not vegan, vegan would influence
6)yes, if i'd seen adverts i'm more aware of the brand, more thic
7)unique, not available, its all quite simailr,
8)yes, its annoying
9)brands i've tried before, but i'm more open to trying new ones, i stick to thing i like
10) yes heavily

idea - look at the vegan market 

Jen (20)
1) Yes
2) I stick to ones i've had before, i know i like
3) branding of the bottle, the percent, the price and if i'd seen the brand before
4) Yes, cheap branding makes the prodcut seem low quailty
5) probably strongbow darkfruits, it's cheap and sold everywhere
6) i guess so, i woulnd't by a cider i'd never heard off
7) Yes
8) Yes
9)  before, i don't know if i'll like otherwise
10) yes

Hannah (20)
1)only fruit cider
3)familiarity with the brand, the bottle, the taste, the price
4)I feel that the design will effect it due to bottles that are sweet being designed more for females so if its a feminine design i'd probably prefer the product
5) rekorderlig or kopparberg, they're the sweetest
6) yes, rekorderlig have facebook adverts and you always see people posting picture of the bottle or their pint in summer
7) so like happy meal boxes? i guess if they had drinking games or something on yes
8) No, i have bottle opener on my keys, freshers fairs give them away for free
9) before, otherwise i could be wasting my money
10) yes

research -happy meal boxes

Alice (19)
1)yes often
2)which looks like it'll be the nicest taste wise, or which is on offer or being promoted
3)the look of the bottle, the price, the variety
4)yes, design sets the drinks apart
5) probably cider but stella or blumers, i don't know, i just know i like them
6) blumers and strongnbow sponsor alot of social events like gig so their seen alot more than others. like on the posters, branding or one photos from the events
7) personally i pull of labels alot so i'm not sure
8) yes
9) sometimes i like to try new stuff but normal i do stuck to my normal faves
10) yes

Eve (20)
1)abit, not really
2)if i did buy it i'd be because it was the cheapest or only option other than beer to drink
3)probably if i'm getting a good drink for a cheap deal, if i know i like it
4)not really, as i'd only buy it for last resort
5)strongbow or the supermarkets own, it's usually the cheapest
6)i guess without noticing it yes, i woulnd't buy a brand i'm unfamiliar with
7) how could a labels but functional? anything that makes a cider stand out would make it sell more, if it's a giving the audience something that makes it better than the competitors its good
8) i've bought bottle opens before as i didn't have one on me
9) i don't care, if it's cheap i'll drink it
10) yes, i like offers

Dom (21)
1) yes
2) strongest percent for the cheapest price
3) any offers, the bottle design, the price
4) yes, as a male i wouldn't want to drink a cider seen as 'girly' due to the bottle design
5) k cider, its so strong and very cheap
6) no, i don't care
7) if it's giving me something for free yes, otherwise no
8) no, i stick to cans as i can open with an bottle openers
9) yes, i've bought stuff before and hated it so i stick to ones i know
10) yes heavily

Alec (19)
2) the branding, or how the bottle looks
3) i buy items for nice branding, labels ect
4) totally, i adore aesthetic bottle design
5) rekorderlig or old mout, they have the best labels, not overly powerful, simplistic design
6) Seeing well designed bottle photos makes me want to try the cider, so only if the images look nice
7) yes, as i'm interested in the bottle design anything that makes it more interesting is good
8) yes
9) i like to experiment with new ones
10) no, i buy what i like

Mark (20)
1)when i'm drinking in summer or as a relaxing long drink
2)what the best deal, so the most drink for the cheapest amount
3)price, i'm so skint
4)yes because if its a cool design i might keep the bottle
5) old rosie, it's very strong and easy to drink
6) seeing a photo of someone drinking in summer on a hot day makes me jealous but i don't know if it influences which the brand i'd chose
7) i doubt it, i haven't really seen anything like that before
8) if you don't have a bottle opener you buy cans? no
9) i stick to the main ones
10) sometimes, unless i really hate the cheap one

1)when i'm skint
2)you can get 2 liter for like 3 pounds and that's sick
3) any deals, if know it tastes nice, percent
4) yes as the design usually allows me to recognizes brand i've tired and like, also nice bottles look posher/more expensive
5) strongbow, it's just like basic cheap cider, sold everywhere, everyone tried it
6) no, i just buy the cheat stuff
7) like the coke Christmas bottles? i don't really know, free stuff it always good tho
8) no, i don't think so but i usually buy the cheap stuff which doesn't need one or open it with my teeth
9) i don't care
10) yes

research - Coke Christmas bottles

Alex (18)
1) yes all the time
2) i usually just sick to dark fruits, i drink that because its available everywhere
3) whichever i can get that cheap and will taste decent, i'd avoid ones i haven't heard of
4) if i'm spending more money on something i want it to look nicer
5) darkfruits, i've had it loads so i know i like it
6) i see a lot of strongbow and Thachers adverts but i don't know if it actually influences me
7) i like when they give away free glasses yes, or when the bottles can be recycled or are made from recycled materials
8) yes, it can be really annoying when you don't have one or have to get one
9) i stick to ones i know
10) yes, obviously i'm a student

recycyled is good 

1) abit
2) probably the flavor, i like sweet cider
3) if it looks nice, like the bottle mostly, any offers or i really like the free glasses you sometimes get
4) yes, if it look feminine i assume it'll be sweeter
5) rekorderlig, it's refreshing, reminds me of summer
6) kinda of, adverts on the site make me more aware of the brand but i do think it comes down to taste
7) yes probably
8) yes, as the cider i drink always comes in bottles
9) common ones
10) yes and no, i buy the cheapest cider i like, not just the cheapest cider

idea - free glass/items or competitions

2)i don't buy cider due to the sugar content and sweet taste
3) availability, and price
4) yes, but i don't really think about it but i buy cider aimed at my gender more
5) i agree with leah, rekorderlig is like a cold nice drink in a hot summer day
6) no, i don't really buy it or like it so no.
7) dunno, depends on what makes it better
8) i'd just buy something else
9) i'd only buy cider if i had tried it
10) yes, i don't buy it unless it's cheap \

Overall Feedback

This exericse has been really prodcutive as it's set out why the audience buy certain ciders.

PRICE -The results reflect the idea the most influential aspect of cider brands for students mostly is the price or if the cider is on offer. For this brief the price of the cider cannot be changed, but this selling point can be cooperated as the cider can be made to stand out via offers. Offers where mentioned a few times by the market research, this shows that offers and saving money appeals to this target market so this should influence the outcome for the brief as this is what will make the brand appeal and engage them more. Students are very skint, so price is a major issue for them but this cannot be change but giving away something giving more for the money might, better deals stand out more.

BRAND - This research has concluded to show that in general that are a few most popular brand with students, Strongbow, Strongbow Darkfruits, Rekorderlig and Kopparberg, research into these bands will show what makes them stand out, why how and what can be done to make Orchard Pig appeal to the audeicne as well as these.

TEST- The audience feedback that they often will not buy a cider they haven't tried before, this is where free samples or free tests of the beer can be used to make as then the audience will be aware of what the product tastes like before purchase. This links back to money, the audience don't want to purchase a item if they are unsure if they will like it as if not they have wasted their money. The audience seem to stick to the favorite ciders, so there need to be a feature or element give to orchard pig to make it stand out to sell to this market, the brand need to give something that makes the audience want to buy it over their normal ones.

OPENER- Feedback from this survey is that without an opener often people will buy other drinks, so this reduces the appeal of the product if they cannot get into it. Most of the audience have tried to use another item if they haven't had access to one, showing that for this audience not having this item causes product use issues.  However  it was also stated that the audience to have bought openers or have always available openers as fresher fair give away free openers to this audience this might reduce the need for them to be sold with the bottle. How many people have bottle openers?research

SOCIAL SITES - The result for this question where mixed, people might buy cider that is seen as 'cool' on the site but this survey showed overall this isn't done much by the brands or done well as it doesn't influence most of the audience. PROBLEM- can this been fixed?? can the adverts been made better?

FUNCTIONAL - as this question was quite vague this didn't received very useful results, this need to be explained better.

GENDER -Even thought the brief has not selected a gender to aim at the market will be mostly males, this is seen via the way stats given in the project pack, the cider sell in general more to male gender. This was also concluded from research into the target market it was found that mostly males drink cider as well as the female cider market being for mostly flavored or sweet cider.

students buy cheap cider
students like offer
students like free stuff
offers are go
don't buy things they haven't tried
social media doesn't have much influence
brand can appear branding toward selected genres often
design is key
most people have used something else but bottle openers are given away for free to students
students stick to familar brands
drink what they can get, availability
drink the strongest and cheapest often

-drinking games
-drunk people play with things, use this
-free stuff/offer engages the audience well, heavily purses the audience

need to get more feedback on
-how many people have bottle openers on them most of the time?

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