Friday, 4 November 2016

504 - Design Production, A - Z in Content, Price Range/Distribution Channels

Price Range/Distribution Channels 

The final publication has now been produced therefore the final decisions about the price range and the distribution channels can now be done, this was left till now as the visual aesthetically quality of the book will effect where and how much it can be sold by.

things that will effect the cost -
price of printing
where its sold
price of prodcution
hardback cover
different pages/textures in the book

research into books sold at the distribution channels- 
To making sure the publication fits in with average price the books at the stores where it will be sold is vital to the sales of the book, this is as if the book is massively more expensive then it competitors the potential audience will pick these instead. The book need to be simailr price to the average price the book sold in the same shops are.

As the book target a northern market as the festival targets northern goers selling the book in and around Leeds will be more relevant. This is as people down south would go the reading festival over leeds this is the northern version of the festival therefor the book will have  more northern audience. Most people in and around Leeds know someone or a few people who have been to the festival therefore targeting this area mostly will increase the sales and promote to and audience likly to buy the book.

what type of stores -
From research into photography book and art books it was found the most suitable shop that sold this type of book is Urban Outfitter, Colours May Vary and the Village Book Store. These sell lighthearted books about less functional more aesthetical purposes, where as commercial book stores sell books that have a more purposeful use.

research into prices at these stores - from secondary research at the start of this project the books look at sold at these store ranged from£6-£14

printing/production cost-
The page size of the final book allowed the book to be produced with 40 pages but be printed cheaply as pages managed to fit on a A4 sheet, therefore only 20 sheets of A4 paper stock was used. This made the book drastically cheaper than any other books other people where producing as these need to be printed on A3 paper which double the over all printing cost.Having a smaller book reduced the printing costs therefore should have smaller price point.

The book is mostly printed on matt A4 double sided paper but 3 of the pages included opaque paper stoc  with a photo paper printed image attached, these 3 page will effect the overall cost of the book as the use of the different material and the cost of the different materials increased the over all printing costs. The photopaper imagery cost drastically more than the Matt Paper due to its more expensive nature as well as the GFSmith Specialist trans-clear paper stocking being more expensive but these pages add a way the user can personalize the book and give a more interactive experience for the user as the pages can be removed so they are worth the extra cost. 

In general hardback covered books cost more to produce than soft backs, so as this book has a hardback cover the book will be changed at the price off a book publication rather than a leaflet or zine.

As the purpose of the book it to be bought for a gift for someone else the price point and distribution channels has to reflect this. All the publications researched that sells as gifts range from £6 to £14 but most of these books are larger in size then this publication therefore cost more to be made, this was relatively cheap to make as the pages can fit on A4 sheet of paper, the price point for the book will be £7 to reflect this. This is so the book can be bought for cheap gift for someone without it having to be long term useful investment, books that sell for a larger amount in this genre have more purposeful use then this book with functionally is more humour that actual use therefore cannot charge higher. Also the distribution channel for the book will focus on shops like urban outfitters and village book store situated in the north of the UK, specially Leeds as the target audience for the book is likely to be from these areas.

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