Monday, 7 November 2016

503 Responsive Studio brief 1 -, Live Briefs, Orchard Pig Research

Orchard Pig Research 


Straight away the brands logo, house style, target audience and tone of voice is set via the opening page for the website. The font used is the style used thought out the advertising as well as the branding, this has been stated on the brief that this should not be changed. This also shows the logo that need to be kept the same, from the guidelines given for this brief it's made clear by the brand they are not looking for a reband. The tone is set via a pork pun, linking to their mischievous ideologies via the link to 'porkies' instead of lies. The age range is set as it shows how no one aged under 18 who cannot buy or drink the product should view the website, this meant the work prodcued must be for over 18's.

Product Range -
 the company produces ales on draft, this means a handle for the pull should be designed

also produce bottled cider in 3 range, bottle for these can be designed

also they produce a range of soft drinks, these could also be designed


 another pun, SKY new is changed to STY news

This page on there site is a documentation of the events and stunts they have done to advertise the cider, there is currently 12 articles the company has done to promote the cider including the glastonburytraffic and cataplutmycan events. For this brief a event or idea that can be posted on here is the aimed outcome, the idea will have to suit these style of events.


All the site link via using the same background and profile picture, the site post the same content which are link/pun about current trends or memes. To stay relevant to social media the brand follows pop culture heavily then uses this in their promotional work, they post items no cider related to give more following as well as cider puns to get to reinforce the brads tones of voice. The sites use hastags and user images to allowed the audience to post their images with the corresponding links which created pages of cider imagery or related brand imagery with the company having to collect this. They use humours post that don't relate to the brand or their products so that people will share of follow for the funny content, this is more effective than just posting about the brand as over time this would become boring for the followers/audience. Stay relevant. 

 Branding -
For this live brief  a major feature to consider is being aware of the current branding for the company as this style will influence the outcome of these brie. This is due to the brief set boldly making clear that the client aims for a piece of digital interactive engaging design that is not a re-brand, therefore the current branding will become the main design aesthetic of the piece. The brand do not want to logo of the type being altered, they want a digital piece of design that engages the target marketof Generation Z via social media platforms.

Branding style -
The branding of the client is a side view of a realistic pig with the name cut out with texture applied as if the logo has been printed. The brand uses a printed style logo to give a more informal, imperfect effect to the logo yet also make it legible, this has been done as this style of printed textured imperfect logo associations with more handmade less commercial brands like home made lemonade brands. this style of logo also appear as ages/withered which link to make the brand appear as an older brand due to the nature its less digital as appears more manually created, this reflect the age of the client.

Block uppercase slab serif typeface is used, often with a drop shadowed appiled this is to make the logo very readable but also to attract the main audience of males. The brand is a more masculine aim product and this is seen via the branding as its a very harsh, dramatic, block text with harsh materials. The type is usually set a mixed up, imperfect, disjointed order, this is used to contrast the typeface to make the logo seem more informal. As the typeface is very harsh displaying it in a more imperfect, messy layout is used to balance out the branding, without this layout the brand would appear to formal due t the harshness of the text. The brand is to appear to the audience as fun and playful, using a more playful layout for the text allows this. 


most cider brands or newer brand follow the current trend of flat vector design where as this client uses mostly textured imagery, this is aim to give a more vintage hand created feel the promotional brand
-texture heavily background/imagery

In some part of the larger typography the brand adds leaves or vegetable style effect to the type, this is only done on the larger text as not to over complicate or effect the legibility but this also link to the idea the cider wants to appear as less serious more playful brand but using more humorous imagery.  

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