Friday, 11 November 2016

503 Responsive Studio brief 1 -, Live Briefs, Audeince Use of Social Media

The target has a very high interaction with social media sites, this is how the brand aims to communicate it's brand with the audience via it's social presence. This is part of the companies branding identity and networking which needs more work and has been identified as a part the client aim to improve via this project.The output of the brief needs to be share/reblog/reposted on social site, needs a large amount of interaction with the audience via this medias, to do this how, why and what social sites the audience uses need to be considered.  

To take advantage of these media interaction with the audience the these questions need to be first answered and then the idea built around way to communicate with them on the sites. Companies use social media as advertising often, but if it's work or not depends on what the audience get out of it, why they'd share it, or if it'd be seen. The products needs to be seen, this is done as by needing to give the audience a reason to share or interact with it.

To identify the main popular sites and the uses of these another questionnaire will be complied, this will gather the information which sites the brand can use to promote the product as well as identify how it created around the audience use of these site to achieve an outcome that suitable for the different sites.


What social sites do you use daily?

Why do/how you use instagram?
'Post photos
Follow celebrites
see other people photos
pictures and cool stuff
serious photography
work/art/self promotions
post selfies
stalk people
for likes
to look good online
follow artist/magazines
for instagram stories
to share things for a chance to win/repost
post nigthout photos before with freinds
post holiday pictures`

Why do/how you use facebook?
'memes (funny relate-able images) can tag friends
photos of friends
keep up dated
for likes
to look good for other people
to go/interested to events
 find out about birthdays/events coming up
see other peoples statuses
see what everyone is doing
to keep in touch
family have me on it, so it's quite sensible
uni photos
communicate with people/group chats
stalk people
Invite/organize events
wish people happy birthday
check in to places/shown
post family frendily images
find articles
post holiday pictures
follow artist/magazines
to share things for a chance to win'

Why do/how you use twitter? 
keep updates with the world
funny memes
post tweets about life/daily life
to connect with people
follow famous people '

Why do/how you use snapchat?
'don't have to write loads of crap, easy
tell when screenshooted
easy to use
to look busy/active
easy to use/less serious
only last 24 hours
not as serious
parents can see it, night out and drunken things
less embarrassing
can post videos
filters that show where you are
can take no serious selfies
funny filter faces
less serious social site
friends, closer friends 
send personal photos
draw over images
post photos on night-outs
record funny things/record/post videos
show went out
to find out what song is playing
apply fliters to people
use filter to cover up my face when i look gross'

Overall the use of Facebook the audience express was to communicate with others, share/tag memes or to post photos but often the users family would have them, this then limits the photos/content they can have on their page, so it give the site a more serious nature as many of audience feedback that
they hardly post themselves as they feel jugde therefore just read though the feed. It was feedback that facebook is more used by this section of the audience for events or for the chat section rather than to post or share regularly. The audience feedback that they use facebook to keep update with old school friends, or people they don't talk to much, most of the audience had over 400 people on the site. TEXT/IMAGE/VIDEO

The most popular use of Instagram was to post pictures or to view/like other peoples pictures, visually heavy site where the audience generally post more than Facebook but often is used to follow and keep intouch with others as well. The audience often followed blogger or artist or celebrities they are interested in and use the site to see what they are doing/keep up to date. As the audience asked where all at a art university it was a major site which they use to promote themselves, to post picture of work ect but this would probably not be relevant to the general public. PICTURE HEAVY

Twitter is general used more by an older audience, this was the least commonly use site of the 4 main sites. This is generally used to follow other users, to find out about news and keep up dated with the world, and to post humorous tweets about life, this site often used to interact/keep up to date with funny pages or celebrities. TEXT HEAVY

Snap-chat was the most post on/interacted with site, this is due use of the site's lack of text needed therefore more relaxing/easy to use, as well as that the 'stories' only last 24, rather than be constantly on their a profile people can post more lighthearted content that will be removed soon, less serious app. The main feature of this social site that differentiates it to the other sites is due to the filter/effect nature that the users can add to their faces or photos, heavily popular with the target audience. The filters are heavily popular with the audience as they give the site a more interactive feature that the audience can then send/share. Also due to the new-est (youngest of the 4 apps to the market)  many people feedback that they only have a close friends or people they interactive often with on the site, therefore when they post on the site there is less social anxiety about the posts as they are more comfortable with them. 'As it cannot get likes this social media site it's more about sharing images rather than a popularity contest than Facebook' . Also the audience asked stated don't have family so can post more embarrassing or less serious or drunk posts on the site. Used to capture and share funny moment/video/photo is the main use. Used heavily on nights outs/when the audience goes out. IMAGE /VIDEO CONTENT

As the currently the client has a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram page, but after the feedback from these questions it's been made clear that the site which fits the tone of voice set by the client the most accurately would be Snapchat. This is due to the lighthearted more humorous nature of the way the audience seem to interact with the site, the client aims for a playful way for the audience to interact with the brand this successfully could be done via the use of this social site. Snapchat was the social app the audience used the most, interacted with more and felt there was less pressure associated with. Feedback suggest  the site is popularly used on night-outs/out when the audience would be drinking therefore this links to the Client product and it's placement.

Snap-chat would be the best site to explore for this brief as it's the more interactive, playful site popular with this audience range as well as the company already having link to the other social medias.

Snapchat lens features are a unique aspect of the site, and are often then shared on other social sites,. This a area that could be explored as it would promote on the original app but also on other social sites, creating a integrated campaign.


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