Friday, 8 April 2016

406 Studio Brief 2 - Licence to Print Money, Colour Scheme

Colour Scheme

The basic concept for these note design is that it will be based around promoting Chinese culture via national plant symbolism to the younger audience in china as these are the main users of physical money as they don't have access to a card till the age of 16. To make these notes apple to this audeince they have been based around the popular style of Chinese current graphic design with influences of traditional Chinese flower painting. The design has been finalised and will be produced using 3 layer screen print. 

One of the majour benefit of using screen print to produce these notes is that florescent ink and metallic ink can be, as well it can be used to apply to any paper surface eg specialized stock, this should be used for this brief to take advantage of the print media benefits if relevant.  

The next stage of the design is to pick the colour scheme for the notes, some feedback has already suggest red and yellows based of the Chinese flag colour scheme, this is colour associated with the Chinese culture too as they used a lot in the Chinese new year and Chinese festivals.


The red color of the packet symbolizes good luckRed is strictly forbidden at funerals as it is a traditionally symbolic color of happiness; however, as the names of the dead were previously written in red, it may be considered offensive to use red ink for Chinese names in contexts other than official seals.

Symbolism of Colors, Asscociations of The Five Elements in Chinese Beliefs and Feng Shui

Before the Five Elements Theory was used and according to Taoists’ believe, there were only two colors: opposing, yet complementary principles, black and white, yin- yang. With the establishment of the Five Elements Theory, the spectrum of colours was enlarged, leading to the use of not only black and white, but red, green and yellow, a total of five ‘main’ colours.

In Chinese believes, the cosmos mirrors the Five Elements, therefore each colour represents or is associated with a symbolic meaning. The Five Element Chart shows associated properties or aspects of each element. Together, these aspects form the integrated whole of the Five Element Theory.

BLACK - colour for young boys (who will continue the family/ancestor lineages), 
delving into the depth of something, flowing, dormant, conserving, immortality, stability, knowledge, trust, adaptability, spontaneity, power, career, will, emotional protection, calmness vs. lack of will

BLUE - conserving, healing, relaxation, exploration, trust, calmness, immortality

BROWN - industrious, grounded

GOLD - completeness, wealth, metal, God consciousness

GREEN - growing, generating, sprouting, striving, refreshing, balancing, calming, healing, self assurance, foundation, benevolence, health, harmony, sensitivity, patience vs. anger 

GREY - dull, indefinite, though also silver, hence income

ORANGE - indicating change, adaptability, spontaneity, strengthens concentration 

PINK - love

PURPLE - spiritual awareness, physical and mental healing, hence strength, abundance, red purple brings luck and fame. Purple (紫; zǐ) refers to the North Star (Polaris), which in ancient China was called the Ziwei Star, the North Star was in traditional Chinese astrology the abode of the Celestial Emperor. (see also: Purple Forbidden City)

RED - traditional bridal color, expansive, blooming, dynamic, enthusiastic, reaching upwards, good luck, celebration, happiness, joy, vitality, long life; red purple brings luck and fame, money, recognition, propriety, creativity, joy vs. over excitation.

SILVER - metal (income, wealth), trustworthiness, romance 

WHITE - mourning, contracting, withering, righteousness, pureness, confidence, intuition, strength, organization, death, ancestral spirits, ghosts, courage vs. sadness

YELLOW- nourishing, supporting, stabilizing, ripening, grounded, solid, reliability,
sunbeam, warmth, clarity, royalty, good faith, empathy vs. anxiety

Yellow, Red and Green are Considered Lucky Colours
Yellow symbolized royalty and power of the throne.
Red is the Chinese national color and represents happiness, beauty, success and good fortune.
Green symbolizes money.

first colour scheme ideas

Chinese new year celebrations (CULTURE)

these colour scheme is taken from the imagery and actually colours of the plum blossom flower
produce an accurate coloured illustration of the flower
green represent nature and the idea of reflect flowers in the note

to make the notes reflect style in Chinese graphic design
to reflect the fashion style in china
to appeal to a younger audeince
to fit with the culture of traditional umbrella use
benefits of screen print

Since all these colour have influences in Chinese culture and the note aim to appeal to a younger audeince that will bet attracted to a more vibrant range of colour schemes, the note need to grab the attention of the audeince but using colours too make then pay attention to the imagery and content. From research into Chinese art, both new age graphic design and also traditional Chinese flower painting the main art style that have influenced this note notes and as screen printing ink allowed the note to be printed in range of vibrant colours a collection of notes will be produced for the final outcome, these note will each have a different colour scheme that relate to Chinese culture/history in some way but also works for aesthetically reason due to the aim of the note being shown in a exhibition as a piece of art.

7 different colours will be tested and combined on a range of different stock, all which meaning related to the aim to appeal to this audeince for the note but also to enhance to uses of screen print, screen print medium means that a design can be applied to any textured surface therefore this outcome will take advantage of this. Stock in a wide range of colours has been order, with a wide range of different textures to allow the final out come to be as aesthcailly pleasing for the exhibition as possible.  

The main colour that will be avoided as its the only colour that had bad annotation in the Chinese culture research is grey as this represent dull and poorness in this culture therefore doesn't fit for this outcome which represents money and a positive view on Chinese culture but this can be replaced with sliver as this has positive connotation. NO GREY

colours that will be tested
-red (represent Chinese flag and new year and celebrations) 
-green (to represent the theme of nature but also reflect trustfulness)
-florescent yellow (to represent the Chinese flag but also to take advantage of the specialised ink available via the print media) 
- gold ( to appeal to a younger audience as it draw attention, represent money, represent wealth, take advantage of the print media inks)
-pink (to reflect the flower colours of plum blossoms, make it clear the illustrationa are plum blossoms)
-black (represent ying important feature in Chinese culture)
-white (represent yang important feature in Chinese culture)

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