Wednesday, 20 April 2016

406 Studio Brief 4 - Speaking From Experience - Content/Dedication Page

Content Page 

Since this is an advice book from first years to new student on how to survive the hangover of freshers week the aim is to show the first year a collection of different ways as a class we have avoided hangover. How our class and our year avoid them so they have a collection of different opinions to help them, as hangover effect everyone differently the aim is that one of these cures will help and they can test them to see which. To introduces the aim of the book need to be a content page that explains this, simply gives the quotes a meaning and explains the purpose to the audience. To do this the page needs to fit with the current design style and be brief as not to overcomplicate, it need to fit with the tone of voice of the book (happy, positive, calming, funny, lighthearted, helpful).


Joseph J. Rotman, ‘An Introduction To Algebraic Topology’
To my wife Marganit
and my children Ella Rose and Daniel Adam
without whom this book would have

been completed two years earlier.

Robb Hobb, ‘Ship of Magic’
To caffeine and sugar, my companions through many a long night of writing.

Shannon Hale, ‘Austenland’
For Colin Firth–You’re a really great guy, but I’m married, so I think we should just be friends.

Tobias Wolff, ‘This Boy’s Life’
My first stepfather used to say that what I didn’t know would fill a book. Well, here it is.

 George R.R. Martin, ‘A Storm of Swords’
for Phyllis, who made me put the dragons in.

Charles Bukowski, ‘Pulp’
Dedicated to bad writing.

Frankie Boyle, 'My Shit Life So Far'
To all my enemies, I will destroy you.

Chelsea Hander, 'Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang'

To my brothers and sisters, what…a bunch of assholes 

-keep it short
-keep it simple
-keep it lighthearted
-make it two parts, one serious then followed by one funny

First Ideas
A collection of our hangover solutions, for our year to yours to help you cope with freshers
Our personal hangover cures, how we deal with the hangover of first year
A collection of none medical but practical hangover solutions, our mistakes to help you you survive
Hangover solutions from experince, personal non medical but practical
How to survive the hangover of freshers, cures for experience
Since hangover effect everyone differently these are our different personal cures to help you
How we survived freshers, and how you can
Advice on dealing with hangovers, our ways of surviving freshers
Hangover Advice, For us to you
We make the mistakes, learn from us

A collection of hangover solutions, non medical but practical
A collection of personal hangover solutions, non medical but practical
A collection of hangover solutions, from our personal experiences
A collection of hangover solutions, how we survived freshers
A collection of hangover solutions, from us to you


use of din as same as cover but in lowercase to seem less demanding that the cover, to make sure its not seen as a another cover but doesn't fit evenly on two lines in the grids 

test the same as cover but smaller, to have the same house style but not as dramatic 

handdrawn text produced over the same typeface as the cover hand render text, to give this hand render style still similar bowels and text features/font type but with a personal light hearted touch,
this will be done for all the hand render text. Over myriad pro text, smaller than cover again.

with the personal flicks this type isn't very readable at this size, it seem to thick and the letter forms run into each other, needs more defining. 

moved on different lines to make bigger so the text is more readable and matches the first text, demands too much attention due to bigger that first line text

reads better as one line underneath as seem more like one sentence, groups line better 

redone handwritten text to remove the d and unreadble last a, this form is more readable at this size

trying to appear more as a dedication by including a from us form but style doesn't fit as created separately to other letterform

text experiments of the phrasing 

bottom line too big

bottom line not centred

 final page design -

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