Saturday, 16 April 2016

406 Studio Brief 4 - Speaking From Experience - Concepts


As this book is about a guide to how to deal with hangovers, there are a few ways the design could reflect or enhance this theme. The idea of the book will define the style of layout/colour scheme/text used, the content is quote from our year to theirs as personal adviceThe books design could make it easier or harder to read whilst hungover, take the form of handwritten or digital text, colourful or simple, post modern or modern but all these feature must work together for the book so it has meaning and all the design decisions are informed.

concept 1
Handwritten note books style of design, this would take the form of a sketch book or designed to look like a sketch book full of the handwritten quotes and little illustration of the quotes.This idea come form the research into guide but also as for this year i have heavily relied on sketch books for my design work, this will reflect content that will help but also show a way of working that can help them with their work for this year. A sketch book is relates directly to art and graphic design therefore this make the final outcome more specialized for the target audeince, due to the handwritten text and graphics this will also add a personal light hearted style to the content.

concept 2
Medical book style, this idea is based around creating a book based on the graphic design styles of a professional health care book, this seem as to give definition to a hangover as a official illness and therefore make the cures look more reliable for a fixable solution which will make it seem more useful. This will make the book seem more serious as it will reflect the same text style and colours of a official health care book but also make it easier to read, simple to understand and direct to use when the audeince is hungover as these books are designed specially to be used by anyone in any state therefore this design style might relate tot he book purpose to help when they are hungover.

concept 3
Cool, calm and collected, this idea is to create a book where all the design decision are aimed to calm and relax the audeince as they will need this after a heavy night, to be easy on the eyes which will be sensitive to light via a cool colour scheme of blue and white. Use a lot of white space and big curved text its easy on the eyes of the audience and easy to read fast or if they cannot focus correctly. The book will be simple yet clear and aim to relax the audience, also when i am personally hungover the best solution is ice water or cold air this book will be design as a breath of design fresh air, a overly simple book that just informs the basic information simply.

concept 4
Loud, This book contradicts the styles of the last concept, this will be loud bright and bubbly. It will use colour and busy layout to appeal to the target audeince, fluorescent ink and glitter to make it stand out as much as possible for the other collection of leaflet fresher receive. The aim of the book is to stand out and grab attention, use modern design and busy layout to show all the quote along with images of the people so they can relate to the subject and to fill the pages.

concept 5
This idea is to create a book them seems as if the designer was hungover, to look as feed up/ill/sad as the audeince so they feel they can relate to it. To use slanted text, dull colours, wonky lines, misshapen words to create a design a that seem as hungover as the audeince to show they the book understand this state, to show it can help because ti understand how they feel. This will also allow the audeince to realize they are not alone or dying but hid happens to everyone and they will feel better. The back page will be a happier more upbeat design imagery to reflect that at the end of hangover people will feel fine and if they follow all the quote it can help them feel better in the end.

'i couldn't read a busy or bright book when i hungover it would make me worse'
'the medical book might get thrown out as it will just look like another normal health warning that student doesn't really pay attention to'
'i like the idea of a hungover book but would it be easy to read?or will it just be useless when the audeince is hungover'
'cool idea is the best, i need calming and cooling when i'm hungover'
'hand drawn style will seem more personal, links to the brief better'
'handwritten again might be hard to read'
'go for cool'
'cool but not overly simple'
'modern design as this course teaches about moderisum'
'bright design would make me throw up when i'm hungover'
'hungover idea is funny'
'cool one seems the most helpful'

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