Saturday, 23 April 2016

406 Studio Brief 4 - Speaking From Experience - Inside Pages

Inside Pages 

This book is based around the different cures people have to help with fresher hangovers, this is as for the first year of uni i have terrible hangovers, i spend the whole next day in bed and ill and aim to help the next year students avoid this. As i have ill thought the year with hangovers i found that people give me very different advice for dealing with hangovers, ideas that work for them and feel that if they work for them they might work for the new first years even thought sadly none of them work for me. This book will be a lighthearted guide to personal hangover cures from current first years for the new first years next year, a guid to help them avoid the issues i faced during freshers and throughout the year. The tone of voice is thats its a calming, happy, light hearted, positive book and they layout will reflect this. its needs to be clear, clean and organized so the audeince can read it easily when they are hungover which effect the processing of the brain. The book needs to reflect a clinical style guide but with a more friendly twist approach that shows personal advice, seems more welcoming to the students. The book needs to be seen as a helpful guide rather than a negative to appeal to the target audeince whilst making them feel comfortable in first year. Using a modest layout style will help the audeince read it easily, whilst helping focus on the important parts the quotes and the advice, keeping the pages decluttered to not scare or over power the information.

Book Page Research

For the inside pages of the book it was vital to follow the same house style as the front and content pages, this is the style that defined the book will keep the audience interested thought the book. The colour scheme used, dot pattern, hand drawn text, din text and the illustration speech bubble need to all be applied tot eh pages to create a professional looking but but not a book that is overly busy, the pages use a grid system to aline the different text placements and to makes sure that even thought the design on each page is different there is a basic pattern the pages follow.

The text on the pages was developed a lot before the final style which fitted with that cover was picked, this is as the aim was to separate the cover, content page and back pages from the quotes as its a different content, to make it obvious with pages the quote where on so the audeince could quickly find the need information when hungover. This was changed over again but it was clear that any other text style made the book too design heavy on the viewer, it make it to complicated not as calm therefore the same text style was applied for the page inside but to separate the needed text the quote where made bigger, this also allowed the audience to read them easier if they are hungover

to formal, the bubble doesnt fit with the text

too much handwritten text in this style was overpowering and hard to read
too feminie
too serious

doesn't fit with the text on the trout cover which is din therefore not consistent house style.

two different typeface on the pages was too design heavy and confusing for the audeince not easy or read or focus on a page 

even in capitals the text is too unreadable for this style of book

made bigger for the quote so the inside pages stand out from the cover and back pages, makes quotes easier to read for this setting

colour scheme used on cover and other pages applied to the inside

-design heavy pages balance out with white space on next page
-balance out long quote with shorter ones on the facing pages
-make the quote the focus
-use conisient style
-need to be easily readable
-balance dots with white space
-balance colours on pages with green and blue
-simple design for large amount of text
-use grids to line up text

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