Wednesday, 13 April 2016

406 Studio Brief 2 - Licence to Print Money, Top Note, Final Selection

Final Selection

For the final exhibition we can only submit one note design, since for this brief there are many outcome that feel successful as they represent the aims but are also fit for an exhibition for the final submission one will need to be picked. The final out come must fit the create set as well as the aims for the concept, the design but be suitable for submission but also look appealing, use feature tat make it stand out against the other pieces, reflect new age Chinese graphical styles but has aspects of design influence by the traditional Chinese culture.

All the final outcome have the same design but a different colour combination has been used, the final outcome will be picked off the meaning of the colour scheme, how the colours work together, how the colour enhance the concept, clarity of the lettering and since this for exhibition piece which colours work best aesthetically, which will look the best on display.

To help deiced on which note to submit, and to get over all feedback therefore different view on this project for the final outcome feedback has been collected on which designs for the top 10 prints.


-shiny pink paper, yellow, pink and gold ink
this note is style more around they themes of KPOP and Chinese current fashion, this is a culture that reflect pink girly colours and  heavily popularise by hello kitty and Chinese animated movies , the colour scheme has been added to shiny paper to balance out the matt finish of the ink, the combination of the colours work as a set due to the similar nature  but even thou as the colour were select to reflect the fashion of the time its too heavy feminine for the brief, it won't appeal to Chinese boy therefore not fit for the aim to appeal to all Chinese younger audiences. Also due tot he nature of the paper being shiny and the gold ink being shiny the ink doesn't stand out as well as aimed, the effect of the gold is lost on this note.

-shiny light brown paper, yellow, red and white ink
This paper has been selected to relate the research into chinese old style painting as they were a a great influence to these design, for thee they were first created on silk or high quality parchment, this paper reflect these materials. The red and yellow have been used to reflect the colour in the Chinese flag as this was feedback given earlier. then as on the other not the gold ink on the shiny background was too over powering white ink was used to make the letter readable

-dark blue matt paper, yellow,pink and gold ink
This colour scheme doesn't have relevance to the the concept behind the note and was just a test to see how it worked but as the colours used for the background are quite dull which is then balanced out due to the gold ink, this note is the clearest text and highlight the benefits of the printing method the most as the gold is the attention grabbing due to the high contrast. This would wok for the aim of the note to grab attention and raise awareness of cutler as the note text is the most drawing for the audience. The only down side to this note design is the the colour scheme has no relevance, it doesn't reflect anything to do with the concept therefore the other noes have more relevance.

-Red cord effect paper, yellow red and gold ink
This note paper is baed around the texture of the lanterns used to celebrate new year and around Chinese design, in china the earliest Chinese lanterns were created for practical use in the house and as entrance-way lighting, they eventually became highly ornamental, and a status symbol therefore using a colour scheme a paper that reflect them give a natural association to the audience to Chinese history and culture. This note has been designed around the colour scheme and ink used to decorate the lanterns to give it a link to Chinese culture whilst using a symbol that is world recognised as Chinese. The only issue will this design is that the detail in the illation is lost due to the red ink on red background and as it was hard to screen print event on to a textured paper of this style.

-light yellow paper, yellow, red and gold ink
This note uses a colour scheme based around the chines flag, as the last note the illations lost detail due to the texture and the bright red background this design uses a paler background to make the colours stronger and the contrast higher which means all the details note can be easily read/seen. This also means it cane be easily recognised as a plum blossom flower as the flowers can be seen this is vital to the concept of the note. This note is the note that highlight the benefits of screen prating the most, this is due tot the pale background giving the best platform for the specialised inks, the gold can be clearly seen as shiny and the fluorescent nature of the yellow is highlight more that it is on other due to the shade of the note paper, this makes the over al note but desirable as it seem more decorative therefore also fit for the exhibition. the only issues with this note is that as the background is pale the gold text isn't as clear as it is on other notes.

'the design on ehe red note can't be seen as clearly, theres no detail i the imagery and the text is the only part i can't read'
'i like the blue one, but there not reason behind it but i think the combination of colours look the best'
'the textures notes seem more expensive which link with the idea of money so i like them'
i think the gold ink works best ire reflect the theme of wealth and its seen a lot in Chinese decorative ideas'
'the red one reflects my ideas of china the most'
'red looks the most communist, china is communist
'red and blue because the gold text stand out more'
' the blue on seems the most dramatically readable'
'the yellow one can see the pattern the most'
'red one relate to their culture and traditional style'
'with the lighter back ground the 3 different screen print different'
'the pink one due t the colour combination'
'yellow one as the yellow irks and shows the fluorescent yellow better'
'red and blue bat more bold, other more peaceful'
'the lighter colours look better'
'pink seem amore girly but i like it'

FINAL NOTE = shiny light brown paper, yellow, red and white ink

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