The aim of this brief is to remove the stereotype and stigma around feminism, research showed that this stereotype is promoted is via the common way the theme is expressed and promoted is via the design relating to feminist events/feminist subjects. Primary research showed that even around the college all the feminist event are designed as very female, pink and cute as to appeal directly to the female market. This idea would be to create poster for the theme that contrast this, as to create s et of poster to promote feminism to the masses as a no gendered equality believe as to remove the current stereotype fulfilling the intended aim.
The design style of the poster aims to contrast the current very feminine cute style portrayed via using drastically different influences and styles. The inspiration for for most of the current posters for this style is post modernism, hand create illustration based around females aspects/theme therefor the opposite influences will be selected for this idea.
Swish Modernism/Experimental Jetsets Visual Research
As for visual research for the poster design swish modernism has been explored as for the main visual influence, this is as this movement and style of designs currently targets widely more male market. This style of design fits the aim of showing gender diversity in the design, as showing the feminism show advertising and be promoted to males as well as it's socially relevant to their issue not just the female market, this also contrasts drastically the current style of poster design. The aims is to produce grided, fresh, minimal design which can be enjoyed by all. Therefore these style showed be used as to influence the style of poster ducted for this brief.
'This progressive, radical movement in graphic design is not concerned with the graphic design in Switzerland, but rather with the new style that had been proposed, attacked and defended in the 1920s in Switzerland. Keen attention to detail, precision, craft skills, system of'
-keep to bright colour scheme
-use simple colour palllette
-make the type the major focus
-not illustration
-simple elements
-cut out text
-block shapes
Experimental JetSets are small, independent, Amsterdam-based graphic design studio who's primary works is based around the theory of modernism. The work they produce contrasts heavily to the current work style seen as representative of the this movement, type heavy modernist work therefore their work will also be used as visual research for this brief.
principles -
'“I don’t think that type should be expressive at all. I can write the word ‘dog’ with any typeface and it doesn’t have to look like a dog. But there are people that [think that] when they write ‘dog’ it should bark.” Massimo Vignelli
“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to remove.” Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry
Stick to Vignelli's 6 typefaces, Helvetica , Futura, Bodoni, Garamond, Century, Times
The aim of this outcome is to remove the stereotype around feminism, to express that males, everyone and not just the current idea can be feminist and are. There is a very strong social stigma and ideas about this stereotype as shown by primary and secondary research as 'hairy men hating lesbians', therefor this needed to be changed. An idea of how to do this is via showing the audience a range of feminist that contrast their stereotype therefore combating the stereotype expressed via social media and media in general. The content of this idea is to expresses and inform about famous male celebrities that identity with this theme and why they.
The idea will use male celebrities to promote the change of stereotype as these are subject which the target audience will admire so the use of them will promote feminism a subject to admire in connection. In current modern society many people follow celebrities as these are very widely documented in the media, the fans will pay close attention to any subject area the celebs are mentioned in connection to therefore the use of these will make this campaign engage the audience by attract their attention.g GET ATTENTION
Many members of society make their judgments and ideas based of these idols and famous subject they follow, this is seen via the success of celebrity endorsement campaigns. Attaching a range of male celebrity which the target audience will admire to the campaign will use this celebrities endorsement aspect as to promote the views os as positive the target market. Society buy and follow things celebrities they admire promote therefor this idea uses this as promote feminism by using famous male feminist. COMMON THEME USED IN ADVERTISING/WORKS TO SELL PROUDCTS
Also one of the main reason male celebrities will be used as the main focus as this camping is as they will contrast the existing stereotype drastically, the stereotype is 'hair, man hating, lesbians' the opposite of this is 'loved famous male' therefor this category of subjects as to contradict this the most effectively. To combat the current idea this the most effective way is to showcase a range of feminist that contradict the ideas.
poster content will come for male feminist research in a past blog post
Mock ups-
colour scheme /
uses cyan and blue equally as to show equality represents both genders
yellow is seen as the genderless colour
high contrast as to make standout on social sites/around bust atmostpheres
bright shades to fit with modernist influences
colour theory - red not used as to show violence, green not used to show jealous/eco theme
CKMY is a very common colour scheme/highest contrast
type /
uses Helvetica and Futura for legality and to follow modernism guidelines
large type due to visual research infleucene
not gendered type, not seen as male or female
feedback /
-bauhaus and modernism has theme of sexist males as this is who created it
-look gender netural
-appel to males
-colour scheme works well to attack attention and has good reasoning
-slightly too bright
-attracts attention/attention grabing
-content is stronger than the design style ideas, maybe redesign??
-try Druk typeface
-Helvetica preferred
-the blue and yellow poster works better
-don't need the 'they are all feminist aspect'
-don't need the 'they are all feminist aspect'
final set-
In the next crit the aim is to get feedback on this part of the idea, should it be used? or should one of the other idea of this brief be used? due to slightly negative feedback at the last crit.
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