Friday, 12 May 2017

505 Design Practise 2 - Studio Brief 2 - Social Sites To Target // Distribution

Social Media Site Research 

-most popular
-most used by audience
-most used
Popular Social Media Sites in 2016














top for the target audience // millennials

Social Media
1. Snapchat For an unexplained reason, Millennials love taking selfies. It’s become a cultural phenomenon not just limited to our generation. Snapchat is the best way for us to talk with friends throughout the day, by sending fun selfies and photos of our surroundings. We can easily share our activities, feelings, and thoughts. It’s a quick and easy way to feel as though we’re involved in our friends day-to-day lives. Snapchat has become the distraction that we so desperately crave during the long days at work and in class.

 2. Instagram The saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, if we’re talking about an Instagram picture, it’s worth about a million words. Instagram is a digital form of creative expression for both personal and professional outlets. We are able to brand ourselves through visual depiction. Whether we’re looking at our favorite brands, recipe ideas, outfit inspiration, or just trying to keep up with our friends, Instagram is the preferred creative outlet amongst artistic millennials.

3. Facebook My generation invented the term FOMO, and FOMO is exactly what causes us to use Facebook as our source of fuel. We have an urge to be in constant contact with all of our friends and family, and we need to know what everyone was doing this past Saturday night. Thanks to Facebook, we never miss out.

4. Twitter: The speed of Twitter allows us to feel satisfied and in-the-know. Celebrity gossip, breaking news, our best friend’s new puppy, and everything in between. Twitter helps us stay in the loop, and offers us this luxury. It also connects us personally with the brands and public figures we love. Interestingly enough, Twitter has been used by Millennials as a way of reaching out to get a new job, especially done with Twitter Search. The opportunities are endless, even with 140 characters.

'Snapchat is now the third most popular social app among millennials, with a 32.9% penetration on the demographic’s mobile phones, trailing only Instagram (43.1%) and Facebook (75.6%). This data indicates that the app is now more popular than Twitter, Pinterest, Vine, Google+ or Tumblr among those aged 18 to 34. Snapchat’s penetration is even more powerful among the coveted college-aged demographic, with 70% of college students reporting posting on Snapchat at least once a day compared to 11% reporting posting on Facebook with the same frequency.'

Primary Research

For a previous brief research was conducted into which social media apps and sites generation x interact with the most, this makes up a large percentage of this target market therefor need to be targeted by the camping via these sites. This research is therefor also relevant for this brief as it can define the sites that needed to be targeted.

'To identify the main popular sites and the uses of these another questionnaire will be complied, this will gather the information which sites the brand can use to promote the product as well as identify how it created around the audience use of these site to achieve an outcome that suitable for the different sites.


What social sites do you use daily? (ten people asked)

facebook 10
instagram 10
snapchat 10
tumblr 3
fllickr 2
twitter 8
linked in 5
behance 2 
buzzfeed 1 
whatsapp 5
tinder 6 '

After studying the research the main sites that should be used to target the intended audience and ensure the product is distributed effectively to the correct audience are due to being the most used and popular with the target audeince are -TWITTER, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, SNAPCHAT

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