For this outcome a awareness campaign has been created as to inform about the true definition of the subject whilst symbolising the protests and allowing the supports to brand themselves visually/digitally in effort to remove the common stereotype.
The campaign has been created as to allow supporters to showcase their support for the cause in a non forceful informative statement, yet this will then be used as to fulfill the overall aim as it allowed the target market who have preconceived views on what a feminist is due to the media ect to identity a wider diverse range of supporter as feminists. This will then therefore contradicting and combating their stereotype, showing that all type of people can and are feminist rather than the small range of audience they've pin holed.
The most diverse range people that identity with the believes and support the believes proudly on the social sites the more contradiction the target market will have for their view. The campaign is based around showing visually on social media via the identifiy campaign what a real feminist is, show that it's not just their stereotype but everyone who believes in equality.
The campaign must be created in a gender less style , this is research showed a common misconception is that feminist is a female issue, only females can be feminist hence removing the feminine aspect the campaign removes it's design bias whilst opening the campaign up to wider target audeince as to appeal to males. NOT TO AIMED AT ONE GENDER
Feminist theory covers many different issue but one of these is to fight against assigned gender roles and societies implication of these, therefor this also fits with the ideas of not supporting or promoting these issues. NOT IMPLYING GENDER ROLES
COLOUR SCHEME //black and white colour scheme as not not enforce any gendered ideas to the campaign, wither male or female. high contrast as to be very readable/clear
campaign name -
works as a full hastag #feminismmeansequality
cannot be misinterpreted as self explanatory, explains the aims/informs
simple yet direct, snappy and quick
cannot be used as to change the meaning on social media/cannot used as a negative hashtag
name along express the direct tone, very serious
could be used as a protest chant due to short nature
uses language audeince will understand/simple
legible and readable
works scaled up and down
using symbolism for equal to link to definition/visually link to the subject
inspired by protest banners
uppercase used as to express shouting/powerful message this link to uncompromising tones
sans serif as to represent contemporary style and modern aspects
types faces -
Lexio for the title font, strong solid form yet curved terminal corners as to give a less digital impression/links to hand made protest signs.
futura for body type, very legible modern typeface, gendered less, very readable online/for social media
grids systems to follow-
to create a uniformed way of presenting information across the range of platforms, allow the campaign as to be intreated across the different medium channel yet still representative
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