Friday, 21 October 2016

504 - Design Production, A - Z in Content, Book Cover Colours

Book Cover Colours

For the hard cover for this publication will consist of grey board, covered in book-rum fabric. Book-rum is high resistant, durable, waterproof cover that will allow the book to be protected from the elements of a festival but also allow the audience to keep the publication for year so they can reuse for many different years of the festival ( as the target audience is people who visit many different festival/Leeds over a few years). Book-rum is available in the collage shop in a range of different fabrics style and allow so colours, for this project the cover will be as accurate to the light blue colour scheme of the book (Azure Blue from GFSMITH paper, Pantone 551 XGC) as possible, from the stock choices, this is it fits with the colour scheme of the book as well allowing the publication to be mass produced on larger scale as these colour numbers are globally recognised (for spot colour printing or professional binding ect). 

The book-rum covers available where very limited, but the shop also stocked book cloth which is a strong similar material except it for more experienced book makers as it shows all mistakes/glue marks if it get damaged. This material would be less suitable for the idea of creating a durable book as it shows marks more than the waterproof book-rum but other all the colours available fit the colour scheme for the book better, give a more cooler, calming vibe that the aggressive more immature blue colours available for the book-rum. If the book was mass produced another source of book-rum would be used that had the intended shade, but for this brief experiments will be made with both the light blue book cloth (to see if it can be created without any marks) as well as the greeny/blue book-rum colour (which is a colour more associated with tent material matching the orange thread better than the light blue book-rum stock.)  

book-rum blue shades available 

all the samples

Covers Covered


This stock was the straight forward material as it bent more and allowed for mistakes on the cover eg PVA glue spills but also created the darkest cover, the materials colour does mimics tent material and the colour schemes of tent design well, additionally it's durable and strong which fits with the concept of the book cover. Although the material is suitable the overall finish might be seen as cheap as it very plastic-like, which is associated with more low budget/cost books. Creating a cheap style book was an idea but this was dismissed to create a publication that expresses the festival via texture /touch as well as via the imagery/content in more mature ascetically pleasing way. This cover fits part of the aims of the stock but the colour is very inaccurate to the intended colour scheme, also its strongly different from the content imagery as the blue hue on these images is lighter (more like the intent colour) which doesn't let the book flow as it would contrast heavily.
benefits -fits with the tent style cover concept, strong, durable
disadvantages -strongly different to the intended colour, contrast with imagery/content, doesn't fit with blue sky idea, very strong deep colour

book cloth

In contrast to the last stock, this colour swatch was more like the intended colour scheme but when actually put on to the grey board again seemed to deep for the intended colour, its a lighter shade than the book-rum had available but was still a dark hue of the shade than aimed for. One of the issues with this cover was that its hard to attach to the grey board without any marks as any PVA glue on the stock stood out clearly, this stock highlighted any mistakes on the the cover. Because of this when attaching it i was extra careful to not get any PVA glue on the cover or make any smudges, surprisingly it was created without any marks on either of the pieces, this means that the other style and shade book cloth shown in the image of swatches can be experimented with too (this was tested first to see if the delicate nature of the cover made it un-usable). This covered has a more luxurious effect on the cover as it felt more delicate, more like fabric rather than plastic which would make the book seem more mature, less cheap which fits with the distribution line as urban outfitter books have an more mature finish on their covers. 
benefits -lighter colour, more mature finish, usable
disadvantages - damages easily, still no the exact colour needed


second book cloth

All compared - 

compared to azure blue


book cloth


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