Acknowledgement Page
'An Acknowledgement Page is the place where you have the opportunity to thank those people and give them credit for their contribution to your book. It’s a way to publicly display your appreciation for their assistance and support.Where is an Acknowledgement Page placed in a Book?Acknowledgment pages are traditionally placed within the front matter of books, though they will occasionally appear in the back instead.'
How to write one/Tone of Voice
Acknowledgment are thank to people/things who've help the production of the book, directly with the content so there not too many is a usual rule. Common acknowledgment inclusions are family members, sources for nonfiction pieces, your editor and designer/illustrator, your publisher, and your book mentor but this doesn't relate to this brief there the acknowledgement should be list of companies/people who made leeds festival possible eg Strongbow/the park. Keep the acknowledgment to one page, simple and short. Stay personal, professionally casual, and descriptive, say why is thanking them not just thanking them, for example for this brief . thanks to Berroca vitamins tablets, for being the only source of vitamins consumed over the weekend and for saving us from the dreaded hangover.
-includes explanation
-starts/includes 'thanks to'
-more paragraph style than the dedication page
-few items mentioned
Secondary Research
Things to Thank
For these apge the thinks to thank need to be brands or companies that have created something people relay on or use at the festival, this need to be longer page then the deciation page but also humourus by playing on the same styel of writing, formal layout but lighthearted content.
research - what do you use at festivals, why?
hangover cure stuff, from the drinking, oh and booze as the drinking
drugs (don't included this not suitable)
breakfast bars, or like snack food because of the high food prices, salvation army tent is cheap to!!
erm, pot noodles
head ache stuff
enegery stuff, like rebull
strongbow cider, its the only day time suitable drink
WELLIES AND TENTS, go outdoor for these
when the supermarket have cheap offers on so i can stock up on booze for the weekend at reduced costs
berroca, the Vitiman thing you put in water, they help with the hangovers,
vodka, water, rasins
anything that helps with hangovers
the food stalls, even thought they are expensive
socks, take like 30 pairs
jagermister, for jagerbombs and it keeps you warm
pillows, to stop stuff getting wet
TEA, caffine
Final ideas -
As this has to be thankful to a brand or person these ideas have been completed together then a popular brand for this products has been selected then a reason has been included to give setting for the thank.
Strongbow Cider, for creating Darkfruits, a cider that is semi drinkable even when slightly warm.
Berroca vitamins tablets, for being the only source of vitamins consumed over the weekend and for saving us from the dreaded hangovers.
Supermarket Summer Alcohol Offers, for allowing us to get as drunk as possible on a budget
Smirnoff Vodka, For making sure we forget at least one night of the weekend due to intoxication
Wellis, Because our feet wouldn't survive without them
Go Outdoors, For the cheap tent offers that mean we can ruin and leave the tent on the last night (even thought most of them do leak now and again)
Nurofen, For when the Berroca doesn't work
And finally, The Salvation Army Tent, for when we need a bru that doesn't cause an half arm and £1 soup and roll.
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