After talking about the idea of a create a humorous book for this brief some of the feedback i got was to look into the artist David Shrigley. This artist produced a series of book that concise of a collection of humorously crap illustrations. The series all link to the world and his view on the world but turn a serious issue in to a more joke lighthearted book that has the background serious concept. The set of books displays how with silly/humorous content a serious concept can be made more engaging for the audience as it causes them to be more drawn to the book without seeming overly complex or boring.
Looking into the way this artist link humor with the concept of his book will inform how to make a book of lighthearted nature funny publication that appeal an audience in a unique way without purpose or function.This artist uses minimal work with handcreated imagery that has no obvious meaning till its given meaning by the concept in the description, this links to the imagery taken from this brief therefore could be be applied to this project in the same style. HOW TO SELL A BOOK WITHOUT PURPOSE/FUNCTION.
Weak Messages Create Bad Situations: A Manifesto
The basic to the idea that the world/other books is consist of the opinions of people who have no idea what they are doing, therefore he created a lighthearted view of his silly opinions that at least aims to make people laugh. He aims to find the funny in a serious issues , he has strong opinion on daily issues. Shrigley's manifesto is full of hilarity, alongside observations about the world that are both astute and absurd. Shrigley can shift effortlessly from pathos to paranoia. And his work is funny - very funny; his timing devastatingly effective as it related to issues in the world at the time amazingly, funny but stupid yet this appeal to the audience who recognize him from his award winning working.Target audience - Anyone who knows whats going on in the current world but enjoys humor about the situation, artist or art enthusiasts who will be aware of his work.
-lightheart books do sell
-mixture of serious with non serious works best
-have concept then work around it
-its about finding a way to connect with the audience
-concept can inform content
The Book of Shrigley
The Book of Shrigley is the most extensive showcase of his edgy but accessible off-kilter visions of the artist unique style of in-your-face-art. The content widely ranges from humorous illustrations and text relating to bad-tempered pets, strange attractions, work, sex, knitting, wrestling, and a host of other everyday activities, dangers, and amusements laid bare in Shrigley's urgently illustrated panels and wickedly mischievous punch lines. This book showcases the artist new work and bursting with colour and unsettlingly funny truths, "The Book of Shrigley" is the ideal introduction to this comic genius and the book fans have been waiting for.Its a book that shows the audience his work but in a way they can understand it, its targets an audience who either aren't familiar with his work or are interested but want more depth into the mind of the audience. This book appeal to the audience by being drastically different to every other book out there, this is caused by the page design which is a postmodern non-grided expression of his art with vivid colour palette combined with very manual content the book is very busy informal style book.
-Uses bright colours to reflect lighthearted themes/humour
-Manual style type and imagery seems more informal and personal could reflect the personal -experiences
-Humour give purpose to a functionless book, it sells the book by appeals to an audience
-Humour needs to be kept simple/obvious
-Allow the style of book to be informed by the concept
-Sometimes creating a book with no rules works to portray a selected style
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